Arranged Marriage

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Cathy had so far managed an exquisite job at putting on a pretty smile and hiding her utter loathing for all of this. Loathing for this land, which was far too uncomfortably warm compared to the snowy peaks of her father's kingdom. Loathing for the land's people. Mice. Hundreds of years ago they would have been prey to felines and Neko like her. A proud history of her people's rightful place in the world that Catherine deeply regretted was but in the past. And complete hatred of the idea her father had acted upon. For years he'd been trying to marry her out to the right prince. Because as much as she despised it; the kingdoms of prey were fertile and sprawling, while her own kind became more and more rare. More and more secluded. For years she'd managed to avoid that fate, managed to evade being brought along to one of his diplomatic visits. But her excuses had run out, and she was expected at the dinner and the ball. She flashed her well practiced and acted smile at the two servants standing at the enormous set of doors, straightening up her snowy white ears as they opened up for her, and she strode inside. Traditional white and crimson dress hugging her rather shapely little frame. Silver threads and diamonds woven into her hair to form her tiara. A similar decoration marked the large, fluffy soft tail that trailed behind her like a large ribbon. Red ribbons tied in bows around her ears signifying her status as a girl of marriageable age. "Ah, my daughter has arrived." she heard her father say, taking up the seat next to their host. No sign of the prince yet. Good. Maybe he had forgotten, and she could go home. Some shred of home that Catherine held. "Brightness thanks you for your hospitality." she said politely as she reached the table. Bowing herself down into a courtesy that she could perform with complete perfection, exactly the way it was supposed to be. A final smile, and she made her way to her seat, leaving one spot open between her host and herself.

Cristobal didn't exactly rush his way to this dinner, the rat taking his time getting ready as if he had so much to do to make himself up. It was another diplomacy dinner, dragged off into the castle to meet with the foreign ruling family. Another dreadful dinner stuck meeting some flumpy looking princess with a personality of the fork he would be eating with. He was used to this by now, assured by his parents that this one would be different, even though that line was used the last ten times they tried this. He had barely listened about this family, something about rare and feline, bleh he hated practically any felines. But at the end of the day if he didn't oblige his parents he wouldn't hear the end of it, weeks of IFs and BUTs from them so much that his ears might fall off. He made his way to those same doors, a bit behind schedule but that was the point really. He flattened his white robe as he knew he would at least need to be presentable for this big gathering. He heard the sound of the doors moving and knew it was his time to make his way in, he walked in and looked around some as he took in the big hall that was the stage for the feast. The rat dressed in some spotless white robes that clung to his frame, only going over one shoulder as he was adorned with gold bands and piercings, and not without a lack of jewels on his necklace and rings. He felt the eyes on him as he made his way closer, only one seat remained open at that long table. "Hurry son, you must take your seat!" his father said, somewhat annoyed at his tardy arrival. He nodded and made his way around, moving to his seat before taking a respectful bow. He took a seat and rested his forearms on the table, finally able to relax a little after all that formal stuff was finished. He finally took a look to his left and saw her, blinking as he caught eyes with her. "Evening~" he said as he didn't expect such a pretty princess to be of a feline bloodline.

Cathy wasn't used to being ignored. She knew she was more than 'pretty', and being a princess did add to people staring at her on top of that. She had a very pleasant little body. Petite, slender; Though with firm, full curves. Her sporty little tush and pretty bosom managed to look round and perfect despite not being overly big. Her fragile features are accentuated by the sheer softness of her big tail and triangle-shaped ears. She glared at the man that came in. Remarkably well in shape. "For a mouse..." she quickly added in her own mind, ensuring she didn't catch herself admiring prey. White cloth barely covered his chest. Plenty of jewelry. Golden bands around his arms. Piercings... Clearly a prince flaunting himself, looking for someone. And yet he still hadn't even bothered to look at her. What arrogance from a mouse. She watched as he bowed to the host, his father, and their guest, her own. Finally sitting down next to her. She straightened her head, making sure to not even look at him until he made a sign of contact. Finally, he spoke, and she slowly and purposely turned her head toward him. The silver and diamonds woven into her snowy hair flickering in the lights. "Good evening. You must be Cristobal." she said. Her voice was a sweet, soft little mewl. She didn't even bother getting the pronunciation of his name right, purposely using her native tongue there.

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