Lucas ☝️

Lucas' POV

There is no doubt about it. I honestly am starting to believe that I am a completely weirdo because I am seriously loving the semester so far.  I've got a routine going and feel pretty comfortable with my studying habits. My coding class this semester tho I know is going to kick my ass when time comes for me to take the final.

But now I'm only worrying about today.


Soul food Thursdays on campus, and I'm sure as hell not missing anything of that macaroni or those amazing corn bread that cafeteria people make.

"Lucas, hey Lucas!!"

Turning around I came face to face with Yara. She changed her hair up a little today and with all the damn time she spent in that bathroom, I would honestly be surprised if that hairstyle didn't turn out
good. It was nice to see a change from the bird's nest she usually has when she first wakes up in the morning.

Yes you heard that right, Yara is still living with my mom and I.

Her sweet Aunt Jesica thought it would be better for her to stay home and get me to be some kind of baby sitter.

I was lucky enough to find out that she didn't need me much and was pretty good settling in all by herself. Well, besides cooking. When it comes to food and needing a meal outside of the regular cafeteria food, I know that she doesn't hesitate to call me.

I love to cook.

Rice and Peas

Fish and chips

Baked ziti

You name it, I probably made it already. Ever since I was 5 years old I've been in the kitchen. Well to be fair I started cooking meals on my own when I was 11. Before that I was doing more of the assisting when my mom was cooking meals.

Cheesecake are one of my favorite things to make. If it wasn't for my dream of being the next big technology wiz, I would of probably went to culinary school.

According to my mother and I quote, "I thought you would be hosting your food network show by now with how much time you're in that kitchen"

Always saying something but as soon as that first bite of the food I make is in her mouth, there is complete silence.

I mean pin drop silence and when the plate is wiped clean; Guess who asks for seconds?

I don't know, I just find cooking to be so amazing.

Whether it's 20 ingredients or just only 3, you can make something taste amazing and just better your day.

Or, you can do what I'm doing and using cooking as what I talked myself into believing was a safety measure.

Yes, you read that right.


Protection from my fists connecting straight to Noah Williams' Face.

I know I said that I loved this semester and I do, but by just looking at his face I instantly get heated.

Ever since freshman year this dude has made it a habit to fuck around with me. First it was him trying to make a move on my girlfriend, then it was him trying to be a smart ass and sucking up to Mr.Doolasso in Coding 303 , and my last straw is him somehow always being next to me in class snoring away.

Motherfucker has the audacity to snore right next to my ears

Drool sometimes rolling down to his forearms since he tends to always use them as pillows. How the fuck you're going to pay $60,000 a year, only for you to go to class and just sleep?

I don't understand it.

Shit happens in life. Understandable.

But everyday for the past 4 months? That has to be some kind of underlying issue.

I don't know what I'm going to do yet, but I sure as hell know that I'm not going to let him ruin my time here on campus.

Oh and that girlfriend of mine? Gone.

In her words, "Noah slipped and his lips just out nowhere landed on hers"

Yet, she didn't push him away and "accidentally" kissed him back.

I hate females.

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