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Papa always says.....'difficult times doesn't last'. But now I wish I could tell him that he was all wrong in our case but all I could do at that time was smile and agree with him.

Our life wasn't at all easy. I wasn't born with the silver spoon or whatever they call it, from the moment I could understand the language of men I had knew my family was at the bottom of the food chain.

Everything became worst when papa died. It was the last day of my SSCE examination and I had come home excitedly only to be met by my papa's lifeless body with my mother wailing and screaming

My already chattered world crumbles the more as I stood there watching the scene in front of me. I had to say goodbye to my education, my dreams and to my only beam of happiness.

All that was left of me was the will to keep living, the will to fight against all odds and try to fulfill my dreams. It's hard, really hard but I won't stop, I can't stop.

I sighed tiredly rolling out of my mini bed when I heard my mom's voice. It's another morning again. Another morning of toiling and toiling and coming back home with little profits.

"Mummy good morning" I greeted as she nods her head

" hurry up and get ready we have lots of jobs to finish today" she says while carrying a bucket of water out of the house to the backyard.

I continued with my chores and got ready we left the house some minutes after that.

We live in an environment where you can't get a bike or tricycle that easily until you walk to the main road. We walk both of us embracing the silence, a lot might be going through her head right now and am just not ready to engage in a conversation with her.

We finally got a bike and we left for our fist work of the day.

At the fourth job my small phone starts vibrating in my pocket as I quickly reach for it. It was my friend Emily.

Mom gave me a side eye as I mouthed sorry before coming out from the bakery we were cleaning then answered the call

"Yes emi you know not call me at this time " I said immediately as she sighed at the other end

" sorry, but have got some jobs, they need workers like urgently"

I stood straight scratching the side of my neck slightly.

"Ehen ehh, what kind of job?"

" ushering jobs, a friend of mine just tipped me off , like they are going to pay so well"

"When?" I asked looking behind to make sure no one was there

" this evening, you come to my place and we will leave together. Sounds good right?" She says as I sighed

"Okay sure, I've to go now" I said

"........ and thank you Emily" I added before ending the call.

Apart from the cleaning jobs mom and I does, I involve myself in other side jobs that can earn me some money. I needed to go to school and complete my education and then pursue my career as a writer.

I entered the bakery back with mom glaring at me,

"It was Emily, she got me a spot at an ushering job" I explained softly before continuing with my work.

That evening I got dressed and went to Emily's palce then we both went to the location together. We were given our costume and mine turned out to be a little tight at the front causing some of the buttons not to hold properly

"Emmmm excuse me can I get another one?" I asked the costume designer who ignored me completely

I walked up to her and touched her slightly

"I need something else, this doesn't fit so well" I explained

"You can leave if you want to that's the only outfit left" she replied walking away from me.

" just do with it for now, in a few hours we are done anyways" Emily convinced.

Soon we were inside the event center it was a party, birthday party. A grand one.

"Do your best y'all! This is not just any party! Influential people are all going to be here so whatever you do, do not mess up!" The chief usher said

"Might get some rich dude ehh!" Emily whispers excitedly beside me as I smile softly giving her a side eye.

Soon the party started and guests starts pouring in. I graciously stand back and smile at the people. Some smiled back others didn't.

"Good evening ladies, have a blast night" I kept saying, throwing sweet and flattering words in between my smiles.

I could see the chief usher walking towards me from my side view but kept on smiling at the guests coming in.

"Here go hand out the event booklets" he says handling me some of the books then walks away to give to other ushers.

I walked to the seated area and started handling the booklets smiling and saying a "little enjoy your night" wondering who does event booklets on birthdays??

Was almost done with the booklet when one slips my hands, I got down to pick it only to be bumped into while getting up with some of my shirt bottoms coming off

You got to be kidding me!!


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Love...., Elcarim❤️🌚

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