For Those Concerned

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Basically what I'm here to say is that you all dont need to be concerned about the KOSA bill. Many news sites have basically been talking about how KOSA will be bad, and pressuring the government to say no, and I cant speak for american government people, but when there's that much evidence pointing to it being bad, I feel like I can safely say it wont happen.

On top of this, the rumors you will need identification that you're an adult, like a drivers license, are just that. Rumors.

And for people from other countries who are concerned (like me), I dont think even on the off chance that it did pass, that it would have an effect in your country.

We'll all be fine, and even if it does happen, just make an account saying you're over 18. However, this is highly unlikely to come to pass either way, and if it does, you've all done the best you can do to stop it, and theres no use worrying, worrying will do nothing.

I hope this has made some people feel better, I know lots of people are freaking out.

Okay, there's another story detailing what exactly KOSA is, and why theres no need to panic about it even if it is passed.

You should all read it.

For those concerned about the KOSA billWhere stories live. Discover now