'Bella Darling.

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When it came to his wife's birthday, Kim Taehyung always went all in.

From the lavish gifts, the trips he took her on, the food they consumed between other things, he always meticulously planned everything months in advance, sometimes even years.

And today was the day.

Arabella's fiftieth birthday. 

He just took her on the plane with him without giving her an idea of the destination which was hard enough in itself, but not impossible.

He convinced all of his children to help him to make this possible, which for once wasn't hard when they knew where he'd take her.

So imagine Arabella's surprise when they landed at the JFK airport, her brows raising.

She had never set a foot in the United States, it was the least interesting place on Earth to her.

"Little shit.. You did all of that just to bring me here ?" She asked, turning to him in disbelief as they walked out of the jet, towards the car that was waiting for them.

"Yes I did." He answered with a smile, pinching her cheek.

She rolled her eyes and got in the car, crossing her arms against her chest.

Arabella appreciated everything Taehyung gifted her on her birthdays, but she had to say, she was confused as to why he'd bring her to a place she didn't like.

Still, she sighed and relaxed in the seat, looking at the city through the window without a word, though she didn't slap away his hand when he placed it on her thigh, gently stroking her skin.

"'Bella, trust me on this one, okay ?" He said, trying to ease her mind a little.

She took a deep breath, turning to her.

"For better or for worse, I trust you with everything, though I'm confused about how you got our children to back you up on this." She answered. "Especially Myungshi, that ungrateful little shit knows damn well how much I despise this country."

"What have they even done to you ?" He asked, a bit amused by how hostile she was.

She scoffed, looking back outside the window.

"I may kill people, but at least I don't do it based off their looks.. Bunch of crazy fucking people." She answered.

Taehyung immediately understood, nodding.

After all none only was she black, but she was also partly asian, though she didn't look like it.

And a woman on top of that.

Her reasons were completely valid for not wanting to set a foot in that country, however, he had a completely valid reason to bring her here.

"I understand your burning hatred for this country Sweetheart, but I have something really nice planned for you I promise." He reassured her.

She let out a sigh but didn't answer, a bit on the edge.

"Let me call my kids so they can see their mother before she gets on the CIA wanted list."

Taehyung chuckled a bit, but leaned closer, watching her FaceTime Kwangsun, who was the one who was most likely to answer.

Myungshi was never on his phone, Dabin's was always on 'do not disturb' and Hwan simply never picked up.

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