5 | dimension 20 fic ideas

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I am obsessed with Dimension 20, and I've been working on drafting fics for some of the campaigns. I have Revolting Children which is currently published, and All the Stars, which has been taken down whilst I change some details.

I'm going to share the ideas I have for upcoming fics so let me know what you think!!

Campaign: A Crown of Candy
Characters: Pix Basset, Heart Glucosia, Andrea Leclerc, Ianthe Romano
Love Interest: Ruby Rocks x Pix Bassett, Heart Glucosia x Ianthe Romano, Andréa x Lapin x Theobald

Starting off with probably one of the most gut-wrenching campaigns that D20 has ever done, but also one of my favourites, I'm so excited to write this! It follows Pix, Heart, and Andrea, who are all members of Castle Candy involved in taking the Rocks to the Tournament. Pix is a Rogue, Heart is a College of Eloquence Bard, and Andrea is a Champion Fighter. Ianthe is a rogue fighter multiclass.

Campaign: The Unsleeping City
Character: Clancy Harmon
Love Interest: Undecided

Clancy Harmon doesn't expect to get dragged into knowledge of the Umbral Arcana. All they'd hoped for was to be able to manage to avoid Santa Con and stay in their job at the Board Games Shop in the Mall. Clancy is a Barbarian Path of Wild Magic. The Unsleeping City is such a fun campaign and whilst I don't know a great deal about New York City, I am going to try my best.

Campaign: Misfits and Magic
Character: Mac Pittman
Love Interest: Whitney Jammer or OC

This campaign is also just pure chaos. It's another campaign DM'ed by Aabria Iyengar and it's just so awesome! This campaign is different as instead of using the DnD 5e System, it uses the Kids on Brooms System which is super fun! Mac is a rough and tumble kid from Ohio who gets an Bird and transported to Gowpenny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They're not too fond of being there, and would've preferred to be have been told news that he was a demigod (a pjo fan through and through).

Campaign: Neverafter
Characters: Gretel Weisser, Alice Liddell
Love Interest: Gretel x Rosamund

Gretel and Alice, both plagued by their pasts, sneak aboard the Chandling Caravan that's travelling to Shoeberg. They don't expect to get dragged into a quest to rewrite their stories. Gretel is an Oath of Vengeance Paladin, though godless, she's fuelled by avenging her brother. She'll take the Mage Slayer feat at level 4. Alice is a Wild Magic Sorcerer, and most her magic will be flavoured to be more Wonderland-like and takes on Magic Something feat, aging the ability to find familiar. The familiar takes the form of a White Rabbit. This campaign is a horror campaign so there's going to be a lot of trigger warnings for this fic. These girls have severely fucked up pasts and it only gets worse from there.

Campaign: A Starstruck Odyssey
Character: Taraia 'Mouse' Russo
Love Interest: N/A

Taraia is a medic on the Red Hot, a ship piloted by Captain Norman Takamori, who is possibly one of the worst people she's ever had the misfortune of working for. He refused to call her by her real name, instead calling her Mouse, which had stuck. After a disaster leaving her Captain brain-slugged, she and the team get roped into a mission...This uses the Star Wars 5e system, which is super interesting to play.

Campaign: Ravening War
Character: Seron Seleni
Love Interest: Colin Provolone??

The Ravening War is the prequel to A Crown of Candy. Seron is a Way of Mercy Monk. Seron is from Fructera and is a Dragonfruit. I'm super excited to start writing this and the dynamics between Seron and the PCs

Campaign: Mentopolis
Character/s: Désirée Lite, Remi, Ezhil Erate, Calla Amity, Calliope Comfort
Love Interest: Undecided

This campaign is if Inside Out met noir detective. It follows the Kids on Bikes system but modified for the campaign. As it's modified I'm really excited to play around with the system to see what I can use to incorporate combat and the use of Moxie. I've added a few characters but I found it so fun coming up with OCs!!

Let me know which one you'd like to see first!!

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