A day out

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"Y/N, snap out if it?!" He said as he waved his hand in my face, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking about what you told me." I said to him as I looked at him. "I know how you feel about it, so you don't have to say anything about it but why did you come here?" He asked as he came closer to me, "Do you have cigarettes- I ran out of mine." I told him, he got up and opened a small wooden box and took out  two cigarettes as well as a lighter, "Here, let's go to the balcony to smoke." He told me as he opened the door to the balcony:

Bill: Why can't you just buy another box or get it from the others?

Me: Well Levi only allows me and Nancy one box a month because of our age. Nancy didn't have any and the boys hide theirs cigarettes and other stuff from us, so yeah. Plus, this is LA not Germany where they sell it to minors.

I told him as he handed me a cigarette and light it for me:

Bill: Oh I see and I forgot about that.

Me: Yeah, they just want us to be safe.

Bill: Yea, they do it too but only because they don't want us to get too addicted to it.

As he said the balcony door opened again and there was Tom standing, he took the cigarette out of my hand:

Me: What the hell, dude. That was mine?!

Tom: Too bad, it's mine now.

Me: Why didn't you take bill's?!

Tom: because his was too far and yours also has more than his.

He said as he sat down in one of the other chairs:

Bill: Stop fighting you two, we also should go check on everyone else because we have a photo shoot at 1:30.

We all nodded and started to clean up and then I felt my phone vibrate so I took it out of my pocket and looked at it:

Hey it's Kiera, I just wanted to check in with you and see how you and your friends. So how are you guys?

Y/N: We are all good and well but we have get ready for a photo shoot, so I can't really talk

Unknown: oh ok but are you busy after the photo shoot? Would you like for me to pick you up and we could go somewhere together?

Y/N: Um sure why not and that way you can meet Levi

Unknown: oh yeah just send me the information

Y/N: *address* and it ends at 3:30-4:00pm

Unknown: Alright, see you soon, Моя любовь

After he sent that text we were in the elevator. We decided not to change out of our pajamas because we had to wear different type of clothes for the photo shoot, so there was no point in getting ready besides showering and brushing my teeth. Bill and as the only one who came with me and he was happy that I was talking with someone because I told him a bit about my past relationship and situationships. "Good morning Nancy!" We said as we entered the room and Nancy was sit on the bed, "I need coffee." She said as she stretched her arms, she had very lose tank top - so you can kinda see everything but not really. I turned to Bill and he was looking at her while he was blushing- So he likes Nancy!! Wow that is so cute. "Sure we can go get you coffee at the lounge?" Bill asked as he had his hand at his neck and he was still pink in the face. She nodded her head and we walked out again, once we were at the elevator; I finally said something:

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