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When I went to go grab the energy drinks but I had to bump into to someone again, "I'm sorry." I said as I looked up and it was Tom, "Yea, you should be.":

Yea whatever.

Is something wrong, Love? Who's this?

I'm Tom, Tom Kaulitz. I'm part of the band called Tokio Hotel, who's unfortunately is doing a partnership with her band.

Hey yea, I remember now. Your going to Germany with them too.

Yea, that's obvious. I have to go now but it was nice seeing you- I guess.

He left shoving him aside- rudely, but it didn't really bother him at all and he payed for it. We finally arrived to the hotel and went up to my hotel room. I opened it and what a surprise that Bill and Nancy were laying down on the bed together:

Hey baes, Kiera bought you flowers, Nancy.

Oh thank you, that's very kind of you

it was no problem at all

Hi N/N, how was it?

It was wonderful and I have a question?

Ask away

Where is Tom and is Tom still grounded?

He's in our room and yes he is still grounded, why?

Well, he's out and about with none of your guys permission.

What?! You got to be kidding me!

He rushed out of our room, probably to get the guys to go and look for Tom- again:

Let's go to the guys- they are next door. Maybe after we can start packing, bae?

Yea sure love, we can do that. So hurry on now!

We left to their hotel room and Arwyn introduced himself to him, "Here, I heard that these are your favorite drinks." He told them shyly as he gave them their drinks and they said thank you. It was great seeing them get along but it was time to say goodbye and start packing. We luckily only had to pack what we had in our hotel rooms because we are taking our tour bus back to Germany but our friends will have to minimize their packing, then again we are leaving for two whole months. From what I saw from Bill is that he has a lot and I mean a lot of suitcases and bags but it's fine because we can just find room in the private jet or in our Tour Bus, "I honestly can't wait and believe we are going back to Germany!" Nancy said as she packed her vanity things as she set aside her basic daily makeup and her skincare, "Yes, it's been far too long since we have been home." I told her excitedly as I grabbed my suitcase from the ground to my bed and grabbed things I won't be using while we are still here.

After we were finished packing we went to go pick up bill to get dinner, we got dressed into casual clothing, "Hey Bill, finished packing and ready to go out?" Nancy said as she hugged him from behind and he grabbed her hands because she put her arms around his neck- she was tippy toeing. They are so cute, I sat on Bill's bed and I could feel Tom staring at me, "Yea, just let me tell Georg and Gustav." He said he was going to open the door but they opened the before he could, "Leaving again?" Georg asked as they came in, "Yup, we are about to head out."
He said as he was holding Nancy from behind by the waist, "Are you going to take your brother?" Gustav asked:

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