Chapter 1

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Chaos hung off the side of a building.

His left arm was injured and bleeding, useless. His right hand clung to the edge of the roof, his fingers strained. Chaos wasn't sure how much longer he could hold himself before he fell.

He was well aware of the cameras on neighbouring buildings. Therefore he couldn't use his last resort to save himself.

If his master found out he'd been hiding something like that, well...

Not to mention if his family found out. They wouldn't understand.

Chaos kept his cards close, not even his partner in crime and sister, Havoc, knew. No one did. He wasn't about to show his carefully hidden secret to a camera that could easily be hacked.

Chaos grunted quietly, his left arm had gone numb. His right hand was on fire. Chaos calmed his breathing. Panicking would do him no good.

He heard feet shuffle on the roof above him. He saw no other option, so he called out, "Help!"

The hero, Starling, looked over the edge of the roof. She stared at him quietly.

"I hurt my arm and I can't pull myself up!" He grunted, Chaos saw the conflict in her eyes. And he knew that she could very well leave him here to die. Or, at least force him to reveal his secret and face unknown consequences for hiding it in the first place.

Another hero called out to Starling, and she turned away. Chaos saw his chances slipping away.

"Wait, please!" Chaos called, desperation clear in his voice. "Don't let me fall. I'm sorry."

Starling looked back over the ledge, and held Chaos' gaze. She signed quietly and grabbed his hand. She pulled him up. Chaos groaned in relief and pain. "Ah..." Chaos looked at Starling, "You saved my life."

Starling shifted her weight, "I'm a superhero, it's what I do."

Chaos let the words sink in for a second, "Thank you." he said.

Starling shook her head, "Don't thank me. It's my job to make the world a safer place. Maybe one day you'll do that, too." She turned away and ran off the edge of the roof, flying to join the other heroes she had been with.

"Maybe..." Chaos whispered. He, likely the only one in his family, knew exactly how much harm villains caused. He knew how much harm he caused.

He may be called the 'dented can' of the family, but he's done one thing the rest of his family hasn't. He's killed. Yet another thing no one knows about. 'I seem to like secrets.' He mused.

If Starling had been the one hanging off the roof calling to Chaos for help, he wasn't so sure he would've even considered helping. At least, he wouldn't have last year.

Starling had saved him, a villain, because she could. And that was something to be admired.


Chaos removed his suit and assessed the damage done to his left arm. He used one of his father's various x-ray machines.

His humerus was fractured, and he had a deep gash on his bicep. Chaos signed, "How terribly inconvenient." he muttered.

He staggered around his family's lair, looking for the med kit. When he finally found it, he grabbed the gadget he needed to quickly mend his arm.

His arm would be stiff for a few days, and he'd have to avoid straining it. But otherwise, it was good as new. Albeit, the gash did leave a scar.

Chaos sighed quietly. Starling... he'd never seen her from that close before. Chaos could easily admit she was pretty.

Quickly making up his mind he changed into civilian clothing and made his way to his safe house. Which again, no one knew about. Although, Chaos wasn't quite sure how, as he didn't make going there a big secret. Then again, why would his family even care? He was just the 'dented can'.

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