- First Meeting -

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   Ahhh. Band. It's such a wonderful thing to be apart of. To be in the room everyday and let the symphony surround you like an angel.. To be one working gear apart of something so much bigger. It's such a fulfilling feeling!!

  Well. That's how my boyfriend described it at least! I personally was a theater person, music wasn't my strong suite but that didn't stop me from joining just to get some extra minutes near him!!

I smiled nervously up at him as we walked into the highschool. See, we were only in 8th grade so our band was in the nearest highschool.. Cordova itself. The school I'd be in next year and those years to come... As we walked in I felt a rush of cold air surround and welcome me but the calming sensation DIDN'T calm my nerves as we entered through two double doors and the filled seats and loud chatter greeted us.

  My eyes darted along the walls of trophies and then glanced at the faces of people I'd never seen but my boyfriend seemed to know too well. Without another word he walked away from me and I panicked. I had no clue where to go.. I looked to my right and saw four people sitting on a bench in the back of the room near the drums. I just assumed it was meant for newbies or people who didn't have their instruments so I sat down on the cold tile floor and looked around anxiously.

At first it was quiet until a figure stood up and began to.. dance?? I looked up and saw a semi-short man with dark brown hair and a soft smile laughing loudly with three others as he grinded his hips in the air. I had no idea who he was but I burst into laughter with them.

  "Hahaha!!!~ Oh my god- Get into it man!! That is the fruitiest thing I have ever seen!!" I felt tears pricking the corners of my eyes as I smiled underneath my face mask. I don't quite remember what was said but I know he responded in the sassiest voice possible before popping his hip to the right and letting his wrist go limp. I giggled but was rudely interrupted but another man questioning me about why I was here.

"Hey! Are you supposed to be back here??"
"Uhmm.. Yeah..? I'm new and I didn't know what to do so-.."
"So you're wanting to be in percussion?"
"Percussion?? I uh. Yeah I guess."

That wasn't true,  I wanted to be a clarinet or saxophone but I was too panicked to correct him. He stood me up and took me into the office where I promptly sat for twenty minutes and signed some papers. After awhile I was told I could go back to band but instead I made my way into the nearest bathroom to take a breather and make sure I didn't look too trashy. As I made my way out I was abruptly stopped at the door by the guy from earlier and a much taller man. I looked at them both as I tensed up.

  "Hey!!" The guy from earlier smiled at me. "We're just chilling out. Practice is over!! Wanna walk with us??" It took me a second to respond but I eventually nodded and replied. "Uh- yeah!! Sure!!~"

As we walked the introductions began. I told them my name, Sal, and my boyfriends name, Frey. The guy who was dancing called himself Grey and the taller one was Kyle.

Grey was short and had a somewhat similar body type to me. Round but not as round as me. His hair was long-ish and dark and he had obvious stubble on his chin, he was in 8th too.

Kyle was taller but round just like us. His hair was short and had a reddish tint to it. They both wore band t-shirts, black pants and Kyle wore jewelry. Kyle was a 9th grader, he knew the layout of the school better than I or Grey did I assumed. As we walked through the hallways, our laughter bounced off the walls and echoed, we were already a trio I knew couldn't be separated.

We made our way to the vending machines and continued our useless banter as Grey pulled out his phone so I could add his snap. As I looked at the username I smiled and pulled my mask down below my mouth. "Dude. I already have your snap!"
He looked confused. "No you don't??"

I giggled. I'd already gotten his snap from my boyfriend about a week earlier and I'd made a crude joke and never talked to him again. I decided the best way to remind him of who I was would be the following statement..

"Dude! It's me! The AIDS guy!!"

His eyes widened but a smile followed suite and I hear Kyle gasp before laughing. Grey jumped up as he screamed out. "THE AIDS GUY!!!"

Our laughter once again echoed through the school as we made our way back to the band room. I may have been separated from my boyfriend and forced into a section I didn't want but I'd definitely found something better..

And hey! Who would complain? After all..

      One of them was pretty cute..<3

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