- Innocent Touches -

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A few weeks had passed since I'd met Grey and Kyle. Thanks to them I'd gotten closer with a few other people in percussion and felt at home with them since my boyfriend seemed to be distancing himself.. It sucked.

I sat on the benches in the back of the band room as I waited for him to finally show up.. Ever since I'd met them I'd had an eye for one person in particular.. The way their eyes fell on me gave me butterflies, the way their hands would gently graze against any part of me when they stood up.. It gave me goosebumps and I craved more of it. I smiled to myself under the mask and quickly looked up as I heard my name being called.


My smile widened as I stood up to embrace them. I couldn't stop my laughter as I ruffled their hair and greeted them back. "Grey!! Wassup man?! Took you FOREVER to get here, I swear!!!"

Yup. Grey had caught my eye in a way no one else could ever. They had this certain.. charm to em. Something about the way he smiled at me made my heart flutter.. He smiled down at me before rolling his gorgeous brown eyes. "Yeah yeah I knowwww. I'm here now though!" We made our way back to, what we called, the church pews and sat down, discussing our previous days events. As we spoke I grabbed my phone to show him the quotes I'd gotten from school that day.

Unfortunately for me we were quickly called to attention and began basic warmups. I groaned to myself as I was silenced and forced to separate from Grey. Luckily for me though, band was ended shortly and we were allowed to use the rest of the time to mingle and talk to friends. I went to turn to Grey but I was greeted with nothing but an empty seat and the back of his head as he walked to someone else. I paused. "Mmm.." I mumbled to myself as I turned forward and looked up at my boyfriend who now stood infront of me with a half-smile on his face.

Time passed and I stood up, grabbing my bag and making my way towards the door to leave. I stopped in my tracks when I heard my name being called once again. "SAL!!-" I whipped my head around just to see Grey running full speed at me. "Hey man!!- I'm so sorry, I forgot how early we gotta leave for the busses, I lost track of time." I sighed as I patted their shoulder and shook my head, "Why are you apologizing?? You went to go hang out with your friends, I could care less. I was talking to Ash anyways." "Really??? Because I saw him talking to Kyle most of the ti-" I quickly cut him off and began walking again. "C'mon, I'll miss my bus."

Grey followed behind me as we made our way outside, the harsh soon-to-be-summer sun shone down on us like it was angry. I quickly stepped into a more shaded area with Grey and Kyle not following far behind. We began our shitty banter about band and the jokes they'd heard that day right as the busses started to pull forward to pick us up and take us our respective ways. I sighed heavily as I turned to Grey. "Welp. See you tomorr-" This time they cut me off with a hug. "Bye bro, see you tomorrow." I said nothing and quickly ran onto the bus, I could hear Kyle laughing as I did.

As the bus drove away and I looked out of the window, my eyes lingered on Grey..

I wish he'd hug me more often...

[Okay so like. The whole hugging part I don't think ever happened lmao. Everything else has but idk about that part. Letting anyone who reads this know these next parts are gonna be hella confusing because I was an emotional bitch who didn't want to be single----]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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