Convoluted fic moment

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Pidge pov when

I stood there in a deep vast empty space at some points it looked like space but would soon pass to return to be nothing but black space, i swore i was just at my desk clacking away at the keyboard researching.... What was it again.. i can't remember. Wait why can't I remember? I knew where the floor was for some reason I guess there must be some sort of gravitational pull to this place. I also eventually figured that this was my head, why? Because the more I walked down this very dimly lit path of what I jokingly call nothing goo even though it feels like nothing and it feels like I'm walking on air it moves and squishes like it has goo properties like slime, almost. I felt uneasy here- as i walked I swear I could see distant memories of myself in the past like training in the garrison- getting picked on by bigger class men. I frowned remembering all the ice packs I had to use, I had to constantly self aid myself on my own, until I got put into groups with Lance and hunk- they became such good friends to me and I was so thankful for them and still am. Oddly reminds me how Keith was actually at the garrison- he was the only one who knew that I was a girl then, hah guess it payed being the guy out of Voltron that knew me the longest.. if it weren't for Shiro at least. I smiled to myself. "I'm lonely as all hell now.. aren't I-" i mumbled to myself as the small echo picked up. It all felt so surreal- being in this mindscape i hate it can I wake up now- i asked myself as i walked further, i don't know why I was walking just- felt like i had to in order to not go insane in this place. As i thought more to myself more and more insecurities and awful thoughts came erupting, i guess I'm having a nightmare- or finally relapsing to all the trauma I've experienced, as if on cue my body started aching in specific odd places, as i feel this strange sap coming from my hip I look and sure enough, i look at the old scar I got when I got stabbed by a galra soldier during the war, sap oozing from it, i completely forgot about how much pain my left leg was in as i ended up collapsing onto the gooey path body flowing limp I curled up into a ball as suddenly i feel dirt and plant felt surround me.

"That old burn is burning back up isn't it?" A ghostly voice familiar to mine said with a malice grin and chuckle, i shot my eyes open to see a naked version of me but a weird shadow, wisp? I don't know I was a purple looking ghost.. with plants and fungi growing in the areas where all my scars and wounds and.. genitalia. I immediately wanted to vomit the whiplash of dysphoria and she smiled down at me. Now I remembered. I was studying- that thing- the same mass that came out of a quintessence rift, a small one had smashed into earth and I managed to collect a couple samples. I wanted to see if I could bring allura back- i wanted to- i don't know what I wanted to do. "Bring Voltron back?" It's interrupted my thoughts as i stared at it in fear, it started to move, it was disgusting i moved like it never had walked a day in its life limping moving limbs in a non humane way it looked like it was made of goo, or gelatin for humor but- "Voltron gave your ego a boost- you were nothing before Voltron, nothing but a prissy coward who ran away from everything into screens and keyboards and rejected any form of human affection.. what a coward so desperate-" it said as it came closer and leaned down "you can't even look yourself in the mirror without feeling like less of a woman and less of a man at the same time- i see you've put on some weight- that leg holding you back?" It says as it slowly reaches for my leg, which it got severely damaged obviously not beyond repair as i was able to save it it was just horribly burned in an explosion after it got crushed in a door of a galra ship. I quickly back away as i fall into the black abyss it drowning me, thick as ink, tasted like acid though. I could hear its laughter echoing away whilst I sunk deeper.

I almost fell asleep almost accepting death, until I fell, i hit the ground hard. As i Double over to my side in pain, my body hurt like a bitch but I manage to lift my torso up with my arms and look up to see a disgusting mangled dying forest. As i get up to grab a tree my arm sinks into it a bit, it has a layer of this weird gassy ooze, it was cold, i ripped out a couple of large enough branches somehow and use them as crutches and walk further. I could tell that thing was following me, i could hear its malicious laughter throughout the forest, as i managed to reach a field, just as dead as everything else a small layer of fog covered the ground as the thing now in the shape of.... Allura.... Also nude- unfortunately "do you not know how to at least put on some clothes it's rude" i managed to say through seething pain. It laughed "at least your sass bones still rattle in the hollow shell of a body of yours" it said, it sat on a rock with one, one singular remaining live flourishing flower, it fiddled with it. "I planned on taking over your body- but something isn't letting me. So I guess your body still has some guts against me, so now I'm just a clone of you." It hopped off the rock and spun around me turning into me once again. "Just the embodiment of all your shames, regrets, dysphorias, all you negatives. Don't worry I'll make you break-" it got really close to my face and smiled a smile that reached its ears. Oh what I'd give to bite that shit eating grin to get it out of my face. "You know- you'd have never made it anywheres if you didn't reject all of your femininity- hah can't believe you had to have an alien teach you how to be a "girl" not a girlie one obviously since you know- uh whatever if your pathetic family hadn't been kidnapped by a bunch of brainwashed evil aliens you really would've been a worthless little chore boy eating the dirt isn't that funny. And technically, now that Voltron is gone, you really are that now huh, doing nothing but kissing peoples asses working chronically i had to wait MONTHS for you to even pass how I actually had to do it myself, quite depressing if you ask me, no one actually recognizes you unless you wear green or cut your hair or something, i bet that's why you keep it short now, and-" "please shut the fuck up- you talk to much" i interrupted it, as it looked at me with another eating grin "you're one to talk."

(Cue more arguing and then them fighting bc I'm too lazy to go into it)

As the thing strangled me, i saw a green light. Green- she's back? There's no way, as tears of pain confusion and anger start swelling. The thing paused to look up, it left away as the green lion appeared but it was weird, did it have fur? It was seeping through the metal plates, as the thing was backing away from green with a salty look. I ran to hug green as if all my body aches vanished. A few moments after I had hugged green the metal plates broke as it revealed a real green lioness, with tarps? Oh my god.. is Voltron a bunch of furries?! But when she spoke- oh when she spoke it was like a wave of warmth and calm and, freedom, as the forest's goo and fog flew away it immediately started flourishing. I turned to her tears streaming down my face.

(Cue green lion lore dumping about Voltron actually being gods and passing their souls down the the paladins with pidge being the first bc it's an emergency cuz of the thing (idk what to name it) cue touching forehead magical bullshit thing)

I awoke with a gasp flipping back off my desk papers still clinging to my face due to sweating in my sleep, my chair falling with me, body aches already kicking in as i wince in pain and get up "ugh my head-" i hold my head as if that's gonna do something for this killer headache, as i look at the container that once held the little black purple mass. I looked at the glass with fear pressing up to it looking inside, nothing, she realized what the thing was, it really was in her body oh god- but wait wasn't- i shook my head "you know what I'm to tired to deal with this now" as if not caring about the thing that started the war and almost ending of all universes wasn't a big deal. I left my lab not wondering why anyone woke nome up until I realized I was working here at night and it was only.. 6am?? When did I even fall alseep Jesus. I headed up to my dormitory which unfortunately yes i work at the garrison/atlas so I have a designated dorm room within both locations and right now I'm at the garrison so I'm dpheading there which is in fact located we're all the high ranking admirals and sergeants live too. I opened my room, it was rather spacious you know my own kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and even an extra room.I immediately go take a shower when I noticed something on my back near my shoulder, it was... a flower?? "What the fuck-" I plucked it out and I didn't feel any pain but it was clearly growing from my skin- oh well it's gone now.

I stared at myself in the mirror, "god.. that thing was right... I do hate my body-" i shook my head and slapped my face "no I can't let this ass hole get me down plus it's just some- intergalactic evil space blob nothing too bad-" I started to mumble at the end and finally started getting dressed but into casual clothes, my work clothes needed to get washed, pretty bad- and I immediately passed out on my bed.

(Done for now may continue may not who knows so long as my girlie is in more agonizing pain /affectionate so now have a doodle of basically what happened at the beginning )

(Done for now may continue may not who knows so long as my girlie is in more agonizing pain /affectionate so now have a doodle of basically what happened at the beginning )

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