22) last tango then Paris

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"You reep what you sow what goes around comes around no matter how far you run you can never truly escape everything catches up to you in the end and when it does it usually kicks your butt" Gossip Girl's post said.

"Thanks again for having me Jenny is over at the penthouse and it is usually not really a great idea for me and her to be in the same room" Mia said.

"No need to thank us Mia you're welcome anytime" Eleanor said.

"I'm sorry I cannot reach table" Dorota said having trouble setting the tray down.

"Just this once Dorota but if that baby does not arrive soon, we're going to have to look into getting you help" Eleanor said helping Dorota set the tray down.

"Believe me I want this baby to come out as much as you do" Dorota said.

"Now as soon as that moment comes your mother, and I are heading straight back to Paris" Cyrus told Blair.

"So are you coming with us what are your plans" Cyrus asked Blair.

"And Mia of course you are invited to come as well" Eleanor said. "Oh, thank you I'll have to think about it I'll let you know what I decide" Mia said.

"Nothing beyond having a second date with Cameron this afternoon and staying as far away as possible from the Empire State Building" Blair said.

"What's the Empire State Building have to do with anything" Cyrus asked.

"An affair to remember was on TCM last night it gave me nightmares" Blair said. "Right" Mia said knowing the real reason why she wants to stay away from the building.

"Blair loves the Empire State Building even though she doesn't want to, and she should just admit it and make all our life easier" Dorota said.

"Ms. Blair loves nothing except for shows, clothes, Mia, and anything Harry Winston" Blair said.

"Now Dorota would you please get me some steamed milk cause this is ice cold actually no I will help you" Blair said leaving with Dorota. "So, Paris" Mia said trying to change the subject.


Nate was at home alone thinking about everything that's happened lately when he stumbled upon a picture of him and Mia. 

Nate smiled looking at the picture remembering the good times. Wishing more than anything that he could rewind time just to have her back in his arms.

Even though a part of him knew he shouldn't feel like this due to him being with Serena he was still in love with Mia, and he knew it.

She was always sacrificing her happiness for him and made sure no one came between him and Serena.

He couldn't help but look at the necklace he gave Mia that she gave him back once they broke up.

It just seemed to Nate theta he had a greater connection with Mia then he ever did with Serena than again maybe it's just him.


Mia was leaving the ship after getting her milkshake when she bumped into Nate. "Oh, Nate hey" Mia said. "Hey, thought I'd find you here" Nate said.

"You always knew where to find me" Mia said. "Hey, have you had breakfast" Nate asked. "I ate at Blair's" Mia said and Nate nodded.

"Hey thanks for warning me about Jenny" Nate said. "No need to thank me you had a right to know" Mia said. "I know but still thanks" Nate said.

"I'm always here for you Nate no matter what you know that" Mia said.

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