Angst/Fluff(fem reader)

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A/n: so,this takes place after the whole 80's green juice explosion booger stuff spilled on brett and when they get back, Bretts still acting weird.

(no pronouns)

Enjoy pookies😘😩

After the 'incident' in 80's town(or wtv it's called-) everyone's back to normal...almost.Brett was acting weird.he was avoiding people and his genuine happy smiles were getting less and less genuine and more fake and it seems you were the only one who noticed the change in his were in a meeting and brett wasn't there which you thought was strange since he was almost never late and he almost never missed any meetings.after the meeting you head to the bathroom until you hear soft crying from the mens hesitated going in because its the mens bathroom but at the same time you were curious to who was in there.eventually,your curiosity got the best of you and you went into the mens bathroom and your heart sank as you saw brett looking at himself in the mirror crying and mumbling stuff under his walk over to him and look at him.

"Brett! Are you okay? What happened,honey?"
You ask in a concerned and worried tone as you cup his teary face in your hands.

"yeah,I'm okay....i-im just overthinking and stuff..."
Brett said as he quickly wiped his tears and looking away.

"what are you overthinking about?"
You ask as you looked at him and frowned

"just...everything that happened...I could have hurt one of you guys and I dont know what I would do if I did that to one of you! You and the rest of the gang me so much to me an do don't know what I would do if I hurt one of you guys..."
Brett said as he started tearing up again and eventually starting to sob in your arms as you held him close

"it's okay,honey...I'm here for you,sweetheart."
You say as you slowly sit on the floor with him as he sobbed in your arms.

After a bit he stopped crying and slowly started drifting off in your arms

"you tired? When was the last time you slept,Brett?"
You ask slightly worried but soft tone.

"I'm kinda tired..I just haven't been able to sleep..."
Brett said softly as he looked at you

"than come on.let's get you home."
You said as you helped him up and you guys walked out of cognito and in the car was you drove to Bretts house.when you got to his house you both walked in and sat down on the couch.once you two were on the couch,Brett falls asleep on your stomach.the tv illuminates the dim living room along with his soft snoring filling the room and the soft noise from the tv.

Word count:477!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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