The moment that changed everything

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I was overloaded everyday with chores at a stupid job that barely pays the bills, the owner is a drunk bastard that is always yelling and cursing at everyone including me, but what can i do , i have bills to pay
So i've been doing this for the past 5 years, until it finally hit me, i am not going anywhere as long as I am settling for this job, i will never be able to go shopping, to buy a car, fuck it i cant even afford to go to a party, i was knocked out of my thoughts by the landlord calling me, i closed my eyes and took a deep breath and answered him
"Hello Miss Sandy how are you today" i said
"Hello Mariam I'm good thank you, listen dear you are 1 day past the due date you have the wifi bill the electricity bill the rent and the water bill, pass by my place today thank you" and she hung up the phone
There's no more place for overthinking, i decided to lay my head on my desk for a moment removing the gloves in my hand, yes, i am also the one who cleans in this stupid job.
2 minutes later the owner comes yelling
"Am i paying you to sleep, you're always on your phone, you're not cleaning well, starting tomorrow your duty will be 10 hours instead of 8 and your salary will be 200$ less"
I stood up wondering if i should apologize like every time, or if i should stand ip at myself
"Looking at me like a fried fish will not do you any good"
"Pay me what you owe me i'm leaving" i said
"Leave i can find 100 employees that will die to be in your shoes i am the best manager i am generous i am very nice to my employees but you don't appreciate it and you never will"
"" i said while gritting my teeth
I don't know where i got this courage from, 2 days ago i was doing the cashier's job, the cleaner's job, the warehouse, and the floor in charge's job because i was scared to quit and i wanted to please this idiot
Let's not mention the sexual assault i went through went he took drugs inside the shop,
If you are wondering, we are a spa supply shop.
"Of course i will pay you here" he threw money in my face
"Good luck finding a new idiot who will bare with you" and i left
While waiting for the bus I felt scared and relieved in the same time
What will i do now, i removed the money he gave me and i immediately had tears in my eyes, he did indeed give me 200$ less,
I took a deep breath and said in my heart
"God, i know that i am not thankful and i am always nagging, but please get me through this hard phase because i have no one"
And as if god heard me , my phone started ringing
I looked down to see Christa, my friend who travelled to work in Dubai, i answered immediately
"Bitch i miss youuu when are you coming here"
I laughed "well the only place i am going to is an asylum because either i'm crazy or people around ne ar becoming crazier everyday"
"Both honey both" she said
"If you wanna be sarcastic Christa talk to me another day because i am not in the mood at all" i said while changing the tone of my voice
"Jesus chill what's wrong" she said surprised
I told her everything trying not to cry but as soon as i reached inside the bus immediately i collapsed in my seat and cried my eyes out
"Listen , go pack your bags, send them to your parent's house, pack your luggage and i will book you a ticket, you will find a job here and you can finally live like a normal human being not a rat like you were in that job" i smiled
" i will consider it Christa thank you" i said
"I wasn't asking you, it's the least i could do to repay you" she said
" i did nothing shut up" i said
When Christa was in college she barely had any money and any motivation, i gave her a room in the house that i rented, gave her food, washed her clothes, practically i adopted her even tho we are the same age.
"We'll talk later okay i am going to sandy's place to pay her" i said while wiping my tears
"Sure baby take care mwah mwah" she said
I hanged up the phone and while looking out the bus window, for the first time i considered actually taking a step out of my not so comfortable comfort zone.
After having to go through stairs until the 5th floor i reached my house, of course the landlord is so generous he cuts the electricity off of the elevator.
That night i sat on the floor looking and everything around me , every single item that i bought in the past 5 years, i know i don't have much but i worked so hard to have what i have today, and that's when it hit me , if i worked this hard somewhere else i would have bought a house of my own, and with that i started packing my things.
I received an email, an E-ticket to Dubai, and inwas happy , i started jumping up and down.
If only i knew what awaited me there.

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