Getting used to it

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When we arrived home i sar in the sofa and stared at the wall, chrissy came next to me and her face was yellowish, i smiled
"Why are you so worried" i asked her
"Because everything escalated and i dont understand what happened, omar , Adam's friend arrived and you cane back looking like someone escaping from a zombie, and we left, i'm trying to understand but you refusing to speak is making me bervous and.." i shut her uo by hugging her
" well Omar is a god send" i said
And i told her what happened
" how the fuck did i not notice that, my god i'm sorry that happened" she said
"It's okay i'm just still confused about everything and i dont know why the fuck i was dizzy" i said
" dont worry nothing that a good night's sleep cannot fix"
She stood up, took her dress off
"You're sleeping next to me like good old days" she cheered like a kid making it hard for me to say no but i guess the expression on my face gave out that the only one excited was her
"You have your excuse tonight but tomorrow we're watching a movie and pizza in bed" and she went to her room and i went to mine
Somehow i was able to brush off what happened, but i kept thinking what would have happened if this Omar guy didnt arrive on time.
I didnt know at what time i fell asleep but i woke up to the smell of coffee and pancake.
I got up and went to the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth and was too lazy to wear my clothes so i went to the living room in my robe.
When i heard the male voices it was too late for me to go back to my room without being noticed
"Risere and shinee" chrissy said with a wooden spoon in her hand as a microphone, the guy from yesterday and Adam looked at me and both smiled
Is it just me or the guy from yesterday has very nice teeth
"Helloooo???" Chrissy said
"Good morning" i said smiling, and then the smile quickly was wiped when i remembered that I am barefoot and in my robe
I think they noticed because they stopped looking at me, except this guy, i think hie name is Omar.
"Someone didnt open their luggage" chrissy said
"Let me change real quick and then i'll come back" i said
And before i could even move Omar said
"Stay comfortable we were leaving anyways" and he got up, i didnt know what to say so i went to the nearest chair and sat but Adam didnt seem to move
"Nahh i'm not leaving before finishing these pancakes" Adam said and chrissy ran and kissed him,
Its not everyday that chrissy gets a compliment on her cooking skills.
"It's fine stay while Hansel finishes his food" i said and Omar laughed.
That's a very nice set of teeth, yesterday he was very grumpy and scary i didnt think that he has the ability to laugh
After we had breakfast we chit chatted a little but Omar was on his phone all the time we barely heard some mhmm or aha from him.
"Well excuse me but i think its tike for me to shower and get dressed" i said while putting my plate in the sink
"What do you wanna guys do today" chrissy asked sitting on Adam's lap
"How about we go horseriding in Omar's farm"  Chrissy asked
"I dont think Omar is free today honey" Adam said
"Are you?" He asked Omar
"I'm not man but you can go the farmers are there i will call them to take care of you" Omar replied and came towards me with his plate and stood in fromt of me just staring at me, in my eyes.
I stared back not knowing what to do
"I'll just leave it here" he said and he smiled
Shittt what happened to me, i freezer in front of the sink not allowing him to put his plate
He noticed that i was turning red and he smiled at me
"I didnt catch your name" he asked
"Umm...Myriam" i answered scratching my hair
"Nice meeting you Myriam, dont do that in fromt of the horses" he said and he started moving
"But i cant swim" i said
What...the....fuck.. did i just say, why was i so nervous in front of him
And they all started laughing
"The horses do" he said "have a good day guys, see you later man" Omar said and nodded at me before putting his shades and heading towards the door
"Can you swim babe?" Chrissy asked Adam and they started laughing
"Just shut up" i told them and couldn't helo but laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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