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I was sitting in a small cafe with my friend Tommy, when he looked up from his phone
"Hey, is it alright if my friend Wilbur comes over here?" He smiles
"Uh-sure" i smile back
A few moments later, a tall man with fluffy brown hair and deep brown eyes sits by us
"Hello, I'm Wilbur" he smiles
"Hi, I'm Haven. Nice to meet you" I smile back
"Nice to meet you to" He nods and turns to Tommy
"So- I told you I was looking for a drummer, why'd you invite me here?" He says calmly to Tommy
Tommy smiles widely and my eyes widen, I groan and Tommy laughs
"She plays the drums" Tommy says with a bright smile
I roll my eyes
"Do you really?" Wilbur asks
"Mhm" I nod
"Would you like to try out for my band?" Wilbur smiles
I sigh "I don't- I've never-" Tommy cuts me off
"Haven you have to! I've heard you play, you'd be perfect!" He basically shouts at me
I shake my head "no- I'm sorry- I've never played in a band- and I'm not even that good"
"Oh come on!" Tommy rolls his eyes "you are incredible on the drums!"
"Why don't you just try out?" Wilbur smiles
"Fine" I sigh "when and where?"
"YES!" Tommy shouts
"Can I have your number so I can send you the address to my studio?" Wilbur pulls out his phone
I take his phone and type in my number, handing it back to him
"Thanks" he smiles and sends me the address, and a time and date
"Mhm.. I guess I'll be there" i sigh
"Yes! You'll do so good!" Tommy laughs

—— Time skip ——

The date is August 18th, today is the day I'm supposed to try out for the band. I woke up and brushed my teeth. I walk over to my closet and grab out a black hoodie and some black jeans, then I slip on my black high top converses. I stand in font of my mirror braiding my long black hair. I grab my black mini backpack that's covered in pins, and has my drum sticks in it. Now I'm on my way, I hop on the Tube line, that leads towards his studio. The ride is pretty boring, soon we reach my stop and I get off. I then catch a Taxi to his studio. I knock a few times and to door opens, Wilbur has a grey beanie on and a grey sweatshirt with some blue jeans, he's got round glasses on and his hair is still fluffy.
"Hey! You came!" He exclaims happily
"Yeah- I did" I smile a bit
He leads me in and shows me to a room with a bunch of equipment including some nice drums.
"Whenever your ready" he smiles and leans against the wall
"Okay" i pull my drum sticks out and walk over to the drum.
I take a few deep breaths "what should I play?"
"Whatever you want, my band is an indie rock band" he smiles
I start playing, closing my eyes for a second I take a deep breath and smile as I play, about 5 minutes later, after I've played a few things, he nods.
"Your really good" he smiles
"Thanks" I smile back
"The spots your if you want it" he folds his arms with a smirk
My eyes widen "uh- yeah- okay... i uh.. I'd love to join" i smile, remember Tommy's words
"Great! We usually practice 2 times a week, on Tuesday's and Saturdays" he smirks
"Alright! Just text me the days and time please" I smile
He nods, he then leads me to a bigger room where there's two men, one playing the guitar, the other is tuning a guitar, and Tommy is sitting in the corner. Tommy stands up and smiles.
"So?" Tommy asks
"She's in" Wilbur smiles. He turns to me "Haven, this is Joe, and Ash, our two guitarists, Joe, Ash, this is Haven, our new drummer"
"YES!" Tommy shouts loudly
"Nice to meet you Haven" Joe smiles
Ash nods towards me
"Don't mind, he doesn't talk much" Joe smiles
"Nice to meet you to, Joe, and you Ash" I smile back at them
Maybe this won't be so bad.
"Alright, let's try a song?" Wilbur hands me a paper that has a song on it, and the notes to play it.
"Alright" Joe nods.
Wilbur gives Tommy some earplugs and I walk to the drums. We play for awhile, apparently the song we are playing is called 'Sex Sells'. Then once we are done Wilbur smiles.
"That was awesome" he laughs
"Your really good" Joe smiles
"Thanks" I smile and laugh softly
The rest of the day consisted of getting to know Wilbur, Joe, and Ash, as well as Wilbur trying to write a song. I think I might have fun here... everyone looks so happy here. Tommy is handing out some chocolate he brought, and when he doesn't offer any to me Wilbur frowns.
"You not like chocolate?" He asks, taking a bite of his
"I have celiac disease-" I awkwardly smile
"Oh- I'm sorry" he frowns
"That sucks" Joe says as he's tuning his guitar.
I shrug "I've gotten used to it"
"I brought you some gummies!" Tommy smiles and hands me a pack of gummies
"Thanks" I smile and eat some of them.
After another hour or so, Wilbur calls it a day, and we all head home. Once I get home I sigh and flop onto my bed.
"I'm in a band..." I sigh
I've never done anything like this.. and if I told my mom, she'd throw a fit. I take my hair out of its now messy braid, watching it fall. I yawn and sit at my desk, I have a few papers I need to write, I'm in collage and have a few classes I have to do. I finish writing up one of my essays and call it a night, it's about 10pm now, so I change into some PJ's and slide into my bed. I slowly drift into a sleep, dreaming about my day.

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