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𝑴𝙚𝒍𝙤𝒅𝙮 , a sweet song that fills the air, capturing our hearts and igniting our souls. Like a gentle breeze caressing the leaves of a tree, love is a force of nature, a melody that echoes through time and space.

And just as a melody can bring us to tears, love can be both joyous and somber, a melody that tugs at our emotions and speaks to us on a soulful level.

Like a fairytale, love is a story filled with hope and passion, a melody that whispers of the prince and princess, their eyes locked in an eternity of love.

Yeji, however, thinks otherwise. Like a character in a story, she believes herself to be nothing more than a side character. Perhaps she was born to play the role of an antagonist, always envious of the main protagonist.

In reality, she attracted plenty of attention, yet no one has captured her attention, and she hasn't the slightest interest in her suitors. To avoid the question of 'what is your number', she resorts to foolish excuses. "Oh, I don't have a cellphone number" or "I forgot my number." She wonders if romance is truly in her nature or if she was simply never meant for it after all... or so she thought.

"Yeji!" Lia called, drawing her friend's attention away from the captivating book she had in her hands.

"What?"Yeji said, her eyebrows touching as she remained immersed within the written pages of the book.

"Are you coming later?"Lia asked, her eyes bright with excitement.

"Coming where?"Yeji wondered, the book still in her hands.

"We're going to the gym, dummy,"Lia replied. "Did you not get the memo?

"The gym? What for? I've told you, I'm not into sports."

Lia let out a sigh, "Jeez. You're no fun. It's not about you, you know? A new band is playing at the gym tonight. You don't want to watch them play?"

"I don't see the point of watching a band perform, and besides I'm perfectly happy reading here alone."

"It's not healthy to spend all your time alone, You should go out and socialize more."

Yeji rolled her eyes. "I'm here to read books, not socialize."

"Well, you'll never find true romance if you stay inside all the time,"Lia teased.

Yeji scoffed. "Who said I wanted romance?"

Lia laughed at Yeji indignation. "No, but seriously, I want you to go with me tonight. The band performing is amazing, they say."

Yeji was tempted by the idea of a live performance, but she didn't want to give Lia the satisfaction of seeing her cave in so easily. She crossed her arms and stared at her friend, determined not to budge.

"Come on, Yeji. Don't be so stuck-up,"Lia urged. "I promise you won't regret it."

Yeji rolled her eyes and remained seated, despite Lia's attempts to convince her. She was not the type to enjoy crowds, and the thought of having to squeeze into a crowded room with lots of other people was not something that appealed to her.

"Yeji, please,"Lia begged, seeing her friend remain stubborn.

"You don't want to spend your entire life cooped up in a study, do you?"Lia continued. "Don't you want to make memories to cherish? This band will be legendary, I'm sure of it."

As Lia spoke, Yeji felt a twinge of doubt. Was she being too stubborn? She didn't like crowds or loud noises, true, but was that enough reason to dismiss this opportunity? The thought of enjoying an evening outdoors with Lia also sounded appealing.

The Sound of Hearts (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now