03 - Sᴏɴɢs

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𝑺𝙤𝒏𝙜𝒔, the universal language of the soul, have the power to uplift, console, and resonate within our hearts. Across various genres and styles, these musical masterpieces reflect the depth and breadth of human emotions. From classical symphonies to jazz melodies, from pop anthems to heavy metal ballads, each song weaves a tale that speaks to our very essence.

Amidst the wide tapestry of musical expression, Ryujin found solace within the realm of pop rock. The genre's empowering tunes and lyrics of endurance resonated with her, and she reveled in their resounding messages of overcoming adversity and fighting for one's beliefs. Her skillful guitar playing and heartfelt compositions became instruments of courage and strength, inspiring her listeners to forge ahead, undeterred.

As fate would have it, Ryujin's musical journey took an unexpected turn when the band director assigned her the task of writing a song about love – a theme that seemed far removed from her usual narratives of empowerment. With a deadline looming at the end of the month, Ryujin found herself venturing outside her comfort zone.

Deep in thought, Ryujin pondered how to approach this new musical challenge. She wanted to embrace the concept of love, but still stay true to her unique voice and her passion for empowering messages. She knew she couldn't rely solely on her past experiences and had to delve into the intricacies of this complex emotion.

The days slipped by, each passing moment filled with melodies swirling in her mind and lyrics dancing on the tip of her tongue. As she delved into the theme of love, she realized that it was not just about romantic relationships, but about all the different facets and expressions of love. Love for oneself, love for others, love for the world – it was a vast and beautiful tapestry waiting to be woven into song.

However, amidst her deep introspection, Ryujin was caught off guard by a quirky and amusing comment from her bandmate, Bangchan. Lost in his own reflection in the mirror, he unabashedly proclaimed, "I'm kind of strangely proud of my butt."

Startled, Ryujin couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, a mixture of bemusement and confusion washing over her face. "What on earth does that even mean.."she inquired, her voice laced with genuine curiosity. "Are you particularly proud of your butt, or is this simply another manifestation of your strangeness?"

Bangchan chuckled playfully, embracing his distinctiveness. "I suppose it's a combination of both," he confessed, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "My posterior might be peculiar, but it's a piece of my uniqueness that I can't help but appreciate."

Unable to contain her laughter, Ryujin found herself caught in the infectious mirth that enveloped the room. "You truly are one of a kind," she remarked, her voice filled with amusement.

Bangchan joined in the laughter, relishing in the shared moment of light-heartedness. "Indeed, we all possess our quirky idiosyncrasies. I suppose my strange appreciation for my butt is just one of many."

As the laughter settled, Ryujin realized that she needed assistance with her latest endeavor: crafting a song about love. Though hesitant to burden her bandmates, the weight of the impending deadline gnawed at her. Out of sheer impulse, she briefly entertained the notion of seeking Bangchan's guidance, only to dismiss it swiftly, recalling his unconventional suggestion. Instead, her gaze drifted towards Beomgyu, who lay nestled on the couch, tranquilly immersed in his beauty sleep. "Hey, Beomgyu—" she began, but halted abruptly as his voice, despite his closed eyes, interjected into her thoughts.

"You should ask Winter for help," Beomgyu suggested, his words breathed softly.

A frown of frustration momentarily formed on Ryujin's face as she glanced her bandmate—Winter, known for her captivating presence and occasional aloofness—sat calmly by the window, strumming her bass with evident intensity. Reluctant to disrupt Winter's focused state, Ryujin decided against approaching her and chose to navigate the creative process independently.

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