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* Flashback back to 2 summers ago *

- Third person pov -

'' It's not my fault!'' Mike shouted as he stormed outside.

''Not your fault? What's not your fault?! You made me feel super uncomfortable and you didn't care!'' Will shouted across the street. It was lashing rain and the two fourteen year old's were having a fight.

''How was I supposed to know?! You could've told me!'' Mike shouted back. ''I did! Honest to God I did Michael! But you obviously didn't notice because you were staring at my sister!'' Will shouted as he broke down into tears. '' I expect you forgot that we're dating in the first place!''

Mike had no words. None whatsoever.  Mike was crying aswell. Or was it the rain dripping down from his face, he could not tell. He ran over to his sobbing boyfriend and gave him a hug. Will kept trying to get away from his touch but he had no success so he let himself sob into Mike's arms.

It was raining so heavy by this time but neither of the boys cared. ''I'm sorrysorrysorrysorry,'' Will said. ''It's okay Will. And you know I would never look at anyone except you. You do know that don't you?'' Mike said, holding Will at arms length.

'' Yes. I do know.'' Will said. Mike smiled, glad that the fight was over.


''Yes, Will?''

''Do you- Do you love me?''

''What? Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?''

''Then say it.'' Will said. 

''Say what?'' Mike asked, knowing full well.

''That you love me,'' Will whispered. He knew Mike would not say it. Will got away from Mike's grasp and ran away.

''Will! Will, where are you going?!'' Mike shouted after his boyfriend. 

''If you can't even say I Love You to me then what's the point of being together, huh?!'' Will shouted back. He spun around and stared at his boyfriend who was just standing there. Will was going to give him one last chance to say it.

''If you don't say it, I'm leaving!'' Will shouted. The sun had come up but it was still raining. 

Mike was staring at Will. Will burst into tears once more. He spun around and went back home.

''I love you! I love you even if I die! I love you so much, Will, I have never loved anyone else more than you! I love for who you are and don't ever think I would love anyone else as much as you! Do you hear me? I Love You!''

Will turned around again to look at Mike, who was crying. Will knew Mike meant these words. Will immediately ran into his boyfriends arms and they stayed their swaying with their arms around each other. Finally, the rain cleared up and it was properly sunny now.

''I love you, too Mike.'' Will said. Mike and Will hugged and then broke apart. Mike smiled. He kissed his boyfriend on the lips, fully glad the the fight was finally over. ''Let's never fight alright?'' Mike said. ''Of course. I would never ever like to fight with you, Mike.'' Will said, kissing his boyfriend. Mike and Will went inside to dry off.

But, the thing is, they didn't stop fighting. It went on for years. But only really small fights, tiny silly fights. But this year, when the boys are sixteen, they are having loads of fights big and small.

Could they stop before they fall out of love?

( 565 words ) 

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