The Night Out

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"Aizawa! Over here, man!"

Shouta Aizawa wished he could say he didn't snap to attention at that loud voice of his, wished he could say that he didn't feel his chest jump with emotion or that he had to flex his fingers in his pockets and wiggle his hands lightly before walking in the direction of the call. It wasn't their usual place of hang out after a particularly long day of work. Rather, it was a new quieter place that Hizashi had sworn Shouta would enjoy.

Supposedly he would like it a lot more than the usual bustling energy and music of their usual place. Naturally, Shouta enjoyed the atmosphere already with the soft music flowing through the radio that was loud enough not to be overwhelming but not so quiet one wouldn't be able to make out the words. A perfect background noise in his opinion. The lights were dim, giving it a rather seedy perhaps even back ally look.

A look that was amplified merely by the wispy quality of a night of chain-smoking cigarette holders. Together it gave the place a rather strange, dreamy quality. He walked through the strip of walking space allotted to the place between the bar and tables, right over to the excited blonde who was practically vibrating in his seat as he watched Shouta come closer. He then smirked widely at Shouta, gesturing to the seat in front of him with his usual flare.

It had Shouta's lips quirking at the grandness of the movement. As Hizashi spoke up again "Take a seat, my man! Kick back and order whatever you want! Food, drinks, whatever ya want! My treat!"

Shouta slid into the booth seat, surprised that Hizashi had managed to snag one as they were hard to get even at their usual place. Maybe that's why he looked so proud of himself? Shouta let out a quiet breath that the blonde across from him caught and smiled widely. Shouta reached for the thin menu sitting in front of Hizashi, his eyes scanning over the names quickly as Hizashi plucked his phone up humming quietly in tune to the song playing.

Hizashi then plopped his phone down, screen down. He locked his fingers together in a bridge appearance and rested his chin on them. Looking at him expectantly. "What?"

"So, today was pretty fucking long, huh?"

"You don't have a class of absolute heathen, problem causing children to look after to make the day even longer. But I appreciate your implication that your day was possibly more taxing than mine."

Shouta smirked then making Hizashi's eyes light up, his head being thrown back as a bark of laughter escaped him and Shouta felt his chest jump again at the sound as he tried to keep his smirk from turning into a silly smile of loved making Hizashi laugh. Sometimes if he really got him laughing and deep in it, Hizashi would clench at his sides, and he'd laugh so hard he'd begin snorting.

Shouta loved the sound. He yanked his eyes from the sight of the blonde to the menu again as that head began straightening and he felt a tickle of heat across his cheeks, nothing that could be accusatory to his train of thought but perhaps it could be the lighting. A mistaken rush of heat. He cleared his throat as Hizashi sipped from his glass, the lenses of his glasses winking in the low light with the movement.

Shouta raised a brow as his smirk twitched into something lower. More humorous. "So, who else did you invite?"

Hizashi raised his brows back in response, his Adam's Apple bobbing as he swallowed then placed his cup down with a gentle thud as he leaned forward, chin on his hands again as they curled into fists, and he fluttered his lashes with a wide innocently playful smile on his lips. A trace of pink on his own cheeks as his stupid little mustache twitched on his upper lip and the light in those eyes of his.

The complete image of playfulness. God, if he knew what it did to him. If he knew, if he knew, if he fucking knew. "No one."

Shouta twitched as he narrowed his eyes, forcing his smirk from his lips in an attempt to seem as displeased as he knew Hizashi would expect of him. He felt a stab of displeasure though that was far from the only emotion burning through him, however. He was elated, happy, giddy. Terrified, worried, anxious. Each emotion seemed to crowd into his chest and choke his throat prompting him to swallow, merely emphasizing the tightness he knew was there.

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