Isn't it just great?

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Reki pov:

We are having twins?! OH NO MY DAD IS GONNA KILL ME!!!

I got paler each second and I could feel my legs shrink. After a moment my mind went blank and I couldn't move my body anymore. After that I heard a loud noise and then woke up in a hospital bed

Langa pov:

Twins? This is amazing but also terrifying...What are we gonna do oh no. We are only 17! A child is already a big responsibility but two?
I was looking at Reki the whole time then noticed his face was white as a snow then a second later he fell on the ground.

"REKI!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HIM!" I was yelling and then doctors came rushing in. They took Reki in a hospital room where they checked him up. I was not allowed to enter the room and this made me anxious. But I wasn't getting all the anxiety from the situation. I could feel that Reki was really anxious as well. Was it because of the fact that we are gonna have twins or because of something else?

"Langa?! What happened we saw that the doctors were taking an unconscious Reki away is he okay?!" Miya asked

"I really don't know... He fainted" I sat down and inevitability started releasing distressed pheromones. Joe sensed them and came to comfort me.
"What's wrong. Did he faint due to a shock or is he unwell?"
"Well I forgot to tell you but we just found out that he is having twins."
"WHAT THE FUCK?" they all said in unison "Then it must be due to the shock. Don't worry too much" Cherry was trying to comfort me but I was sure that Reki wasn't stressed only because of this.

A doctor came in the waiting room. " Is Langa, Reki's family, here? "
"Yes. Is he okay?" "Don't worry. He had a panic attack wich caused his blood pressure to rise and he eventually fainted due to that. I will prescribe some medicine for him since this anxiety attacks are dangerous for his pregnancy and I suggest you keep an eye on him and since you are marked, keep track of his emotions. He is also more sensitive now. In 4 months he'll get birth. You need to be ready!"
"Yes I understand. I will make sure he is taken care of right. Before you leave I want to ask you, can you prescribe him some medicine for his nausea as well? It is out of control...He is puking all of his meals." "Yes. You should have told me sooner! We are gonna inject him with some medicine right now since he is still unconscious and I will prescribe you some pills for that as well." "Thank you"
"Alright. You may enter the room and you can go home after the nurses are done with him." "Thank you doctor. Have a great day"

I entered his hospital room and he was awake. "Reki! I'm so sorry! I'm really sorry...I wish it could be easier" "It's not you fault...But twins?! You know what happened last time with dad! If he finds out he will kill me for sure this time" he cried " know I won't let anything bad happen to you!" "I know" I hugged him "Let's go. They are waiting outside"
We left the hospital room after Reki got dressed and our friends came in a hurry to hug him. I could sense that he was feeling better. I was glad that they were here with us.
"Well then! You are having twins?! That's really exciting!" Said Cherry "Let's go out at the nearby restaurant and grab a drink and something to eat"

Reki pov:

Everyone agreed so we went to the restaurant. I was sitting next to Langa and Miya and was chatting with Miya when of course, another wave of nausea hit me. It was because of those spaghetti I'm sure! I excused myself and went to the bathroom. After I puked my meal AGAIN I went back to the table and said that I'm going out for some fresh air. Langa also excused himself and came to check up on me. "Are you sick again?" he said with concern and pain in his eyes "You know me too well" I said with a smile. "Here take some pills. The doctor said you should take them when you feel sick" "Thanks. But that's not the only reason why I came here. I just...wanted to clear my mind..."
"I understand." I pulled him in a tight hug and we stayed outside 10 minutes then went back, payed for our meals and went home to sleep. It was a long day and we needed to rest

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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