4: unanswered questions

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There are so many questions that are just left unanswered. What happens to them? Are they just forgotten? Or do they ever make a reappearance? There are many unanswered questions that everyone is aware of. What is the meaning of life? Were we the first intelligent life forms? Will AI  take over the world? What is world peace? As a race we have decided that they will never be answered and just leaves it as is. Is that really fair though? Our whole lives revolve around finding our "other half". 

Plato, The Symposium once said: "According to Greek mythology humans were originally created with four arms, and four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives insearch for their other halves" Does that mean nothing to anybody? It is so very tragic. 

Whatever happens to those who never find their supposed other half will die miserably alone as a failure to ever find their one true purpose which is to find themselves. It is to say we are never truly whole until we meet that other wandering half. We all have one other person which we fit together perfectly and no matter how hard we try to force ourselves with someone who isn't our other half you will never have a perfect fit. 

There are so many sayings; "There are so many fish in the sea '' That's a famous one. We talk and talk about our love. Some kids dream of it. There are movies, books, and songs. World known stories like Romeo and Juliet. Yet when it comes to things that don't have feelings we don't care. 

The earth, the ocean, questions. What are they supposed to do? They have other halves too. The earth has the moon forever to be separated. Yet, they get to see each other clearly every night. The ocean has the sky always on the opposite end. Yet, every time the sun sets they come together 

Unanswered questions? They have answers. However, they are just left without. Why can't they be happy too? They exist without a meaning, a purpose. Doesn't everything deserve someone or rather something? We don't have long to live but they have forever. Eternity without anyone. Just a meaningless existence. What can we do about those unanswered questions?

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