Chapter 3

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Night falls and Opal takes Roxi out for a walk. I began to do my homework studying a rock my teacher gave me from my class. I take note as I write down that it's sedimentary. I look at a picture of a quartz vein and label it. After I finish my work I start my honors art homework. Sketching various things in the house. Mom smiles as she sits and taps my shoulder and signs. "How's the work? '' She asked "It goes well, '' I replied, showing her a sketch of the widow and TV. "Your such a smart young man taking Honor English, Honors Art, Honor European History, and Earth Science" I smile and thank her "Well I'd take AP Lit again but I already took that," I remarked

"Well, that's the only other AP class you've taken" Mom replied "I wish I could have taken AP Biology but I needed the P.E. and Spanish credit," I said "What are you taking next semester," Mom asked "Everythings the same except Art will be home-ed" I replied Mom smiles. "I think you'll do fine in home-ed," she said. I laugh. I knew most people who struggled in school got an A in that class. "Easy A," I remarked

"It was easy for you sister," Mom jokes. "Only thing I think she learned to do is flirt with boys," Mom remarked. "You're telling me" I wisecracker. I yawn, My body is tired, and Mom taps my shoulder and signs for me to get some rest. I nod as she waves me goodnight. I wave back and head to my bedroom, closing the door. I put on some night clothes and tuck myself in then begin to count the stars until I can't count anymore. I pick up my phone one last time and see a text from Jessica. "Love you goodnight"

I texted her back "I love you more" I replied I set the phone on my bed. Again I count the stars and lose track of them. I count them like sheep on a farm and before you know it I'm asleep. I am underwater when the waves crash as I sink to the bottom. I hold my breath and I keep holding, holding, holding as my vision goes dark. I feel the hands made of course sand wipe and grab me as I let out my air. I struggle as they grab my arms, legs, and anything they can grab.

I fight back as the sand consumes me. I begin to see a light. I reach my hand for it, the hands let go of my body. Then I opened my eyes. The light on the overhead fan gets turned on as I sit up panting. Mom signs to me "Get dressed it's time for church" I sit up as mom turns on my devices. "And for heaven's sake don't turn these off," she said. I nod as I get into my Sunday clothes. I button my shirt and put on my tie as I walk down the creaking stairs.

I fix my hair, walk down, and see Jessica in her nice white dress with pink roses as she tightens my tie. "Such a handsome boy," she said, kissing my head. I smile as I thank her and we all sit down for breakfast. Everyone chatters like birds as I remain quiet trying not to scrape my fork on my plate but I continue to eat. "I have a huge solo today, Mother," Opal said with excitement. Mom hugged her as she said "I can't wait to hear that" She said "I can't wait for Jasper to hear me sing" she said Mom smiled "Nor can I" she said. Everyone takes their plates to the sink and soaks them as we file into the Jeep. The door slams and I hear the beeping of the car followed by chiming as the engine starts.

Everyone bulks up as Mom begins to drive off. "Could you crack a window? I feel car sick" Opal said, tapping my shoulder as we crossed the bridge. I nod as I crank the handle hearing the whips of the wind as we go fast down the highway. I cover my ears as lashes of wing crackle like a whip snapping like rice cereal. The noises of the passing cars amplify as they zoom past me and the roaring of motorcycles scream like lions.

Finally, we make it to our church where we park in a lot of the cream building and walk through the red awning toward the seats. Their people hug us and greet us with delight as we all talk before the sermon. A boy about nine with dark skin black short curls and dark eyes walks over to me as he signs. "Good to see you, Jasper, How are you today," I smiled and signed back "Blessed to see you, Kenny you were sick last weekend I was worried about you," I signed "The boy signed again "I had Covid" He signed "Thank god I'm ok." I held the boy's hands. "God bless" I signed.

The boys point to my ears as I chuckle more people flood the crowd and roar. Right as I spoke Mom walked up to me and said "Those are Jasper's hearing aids he finally won't need to sign anymore isn't that great." She said "He looks stupid," He said his father takes him away as everyone starts to sit down and the pastor begins to preach. The mic scratches and the stereo echoes hurt my ears. A small cat-like he comes from the speaker and I bite my tooth and nail trying to remain calm. Finally, everyone stands up for a song. I open the songbook as the dish of money gets passed around.

I throw a dollar and a quarter of my allowance into the dish as Mom puts her share into the dish. Everyone sings. The jumble of voices is like a cluster in my head like dirty laundry scattered on the floor. I continue to listen to all the voices my mom's crackling voice. We finally sat down. I look at my watch and it says it is 11:23. I sigh as the Church group comes out and on the rusty sound mic my sister in a white angelic gown. The group begins to sing and soon she wails out her verse as everyone stands and cheers her on.

I mimic the crowd when the song is down. The pastor speaks more and I get up to use the bathroom rushing for silence. I head to the men's room and sit on the toilet as I hear one gurgle and flush. I turn off the hearing aid and try to take in the silence every last drop. Finally, the door jiggles as I open it and wash my hands acting out as if I used the toilet. Then I turned on the hearing devices hearing the soft horrible chime of them letting me know my agony was about to start.

I dry my hands with a towel. I begin to walk back to the sermon but Kenny's father, a large dark man with a mustache stops me as he hugs me. "You ok kid," he asked, pulling away. I nod yes though I knew it was a lie. "You were in there a long time," he signed, "I know," I replied. "I won't be so long next time," I said as I dragged myself toward the crowd each step feeling like shackles dragging me down. I sit down next to Mom as everyone begins to disburse. Mom pats me on the back and says "Fine for lunch" She nods no expression as we go toward the buffet of food.

I grab some mac and chees and baked carrots, then go toward the sweets and grab a donut filled with jelly covered in white powder. I walk over to the dish of pickled jalapeno, grab one, and make my way to a table with everyone. I bite into the jalapeno and feel the tingle of the spices on my tongue. Then go to the mac and cheese sticking my fork in the soft shells as butter cracker crumbs fall off the top.

"How did I do Mom?" Opal asked "You were an angel" and replied to her I bit into a carrot. Then another. "What did you think," Opal asked. "It was a lot" I replied "What does that mean" Mom replied "Everything falls quiet only the sounds of people playing on my devices. "I'm just saying don't you get overwhelmed by all this, noise," I said "That doesn't answer the question Jasper" Mom replied I felt nervous "I'm saying I'm overwhelmed by all this" I replied "I don't like it"

"Change is hard Jasper, Remember when we moved here You didn't want to leave the school for the deaf" Mom said I felt offended "Yeah but this is different," I said standing up and leaving the table to throw out my trash. I look at my family and begin to walk back over to my family as Jessica walks over to me and says "You were asking about noises, Yes, I get overwhelmed by all the noise but to get some quiet, rather rest. I went to the beach at night to relax. It's not quiet but it's tranquil. I know the beach makes you happy too there are good memories of us there, try to find happiness in sounds good memories of each even you are a part of and maybe if you want you can hear like us only if you want," She said

I walk back over to my family as we all get up and head to the car, I look back out at the ocean and smile hearing the whipping of the wind. I look back at the road and then Click, I turn them off. I look up at the sky and pray a thankful word for the blessings I had but were they blessings or were they my demons in the shadows? 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

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