
44 9 14

I watch the pond,

I see the tree.

I feel the leaf,

fall right over me.

It flutters in color,

It reaches the water.

It turns the world

into a beautiful flower.

It changes the darkness,

It changes the scale.

It makes the pond alive,

with enough color to hail.

I start to feel alive,

I start to feel free.

I notice what this tree has done,

what it has brought me.

It has brought me a world,

a world worth exploring.

It brought me this gift,

through an old puddle that had caught pouring.

And I continue to watch,

I continue to stare.

I continue to think,

while I stay sitting here.

Is this leaf my savior,

has it brought me a home?

Does it make me belong,

has it given me a zone?

But as I still wonder,

I turn my head towards a sound.

But as I look back,

there is nothing but ground.

The pond is not there,

there isn't a single tree.

There is nothing in these rolling hills,

besides the small figure who is me.

But as I still sit there,

I swear it hadn't just been belief.

And that is when I stutter,

as I see a leaf.

It floats out of nowhere,

right down to me.

Just like the one,

that had come from the tree.


Does anyone know what type of poetry I am using because I seriously don't know what it is called but I love it!

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