Ferris Wheel

24 5 2

The entry shimmering,

Glistening in the shining sun.

Metallic yet beautiful,

Exciting, though intimidating for some.

Whether they enter,

On a lonely cart

Or one full of joy.

It is a home they will create.

Some people will exit,

The time in their cart done.

While others may enter

Their interaction just begun.

Relationships will form

Broken apart by starts and stops.

Some might get off for only a moment,

While others may never return.

Their cart made of clay,

Sculpted into shape by countless rotations.

Possibly the one,

Who wanders in their dreams,

Will someday enter

Marked by love.

Possibly both will finish their ride,

Exiting together, never to return.

Or possibly one will be torn off,

Leaving the other to carry on

In the shimmering sun,

Looking towards the glistening entrance

Cruel in its own way.

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