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TW:implied SA, mention of weed(not use), mention of alcohol (not use), talk of drunk/high people,implied self harm

Wilbur POV:

The mention of Sally makes me want to just throw up. She never 'did' anything persay, but if i didn't use the Jared incident to get out of that I don't know what she would have done.

I dated Sally when I was 14, she was 16. Whenever we would hang out all she would want to do is be...touchy. she always wanted to do more but I would always use any excuse. So the farthest we would go is making out...I think. Sometimes I would wake up after staying over and my belt wasn't on anymore, or my pants were unzipped, or on backwards. She would get aggressive sometimes when I told her I didn't want to do something, mostly yelling, but sometimes hitting. I told my only friend at the time, jack, and he would always say the same thing "just break up with her! She's such a prick." But I tried, I always tried to break up with her, but it would always end with her hitting me after a while argument put around the words 'you don't love me do you?' or 'you never even loved me.' then she'd cry.

I feel someone tap my shoulder

"Mate you alright? We're home. I said your name a few times but you were in your own world." Oh it's Phil

I nod and get out of the car, if he didn't already have it I would have taken the grocery bag in myself, too late I guess though.

We walk in and I hear a fit of giggles in the distance, the sound makes Phil smile, I recognize Tommy's laugh, I assume the other laugh is tubbo, and I guess someone else is over to? Probably ranboo, that's the only other person tommy brings up ever.

Phil looks at techno for a minute. I look to, I take notice of how shook he looks. He has his book in his hands but the pages are all spread across, meaning he lost his page, meaning he's not paying attention to it, he looks pale and is just looking at his hands and looks like he's on his own world still. Except the world's obviously consumed him more now.

"Hey tech- techno." Phil is trying to get his attention. I feel like I shouldn't be here right now so I slide away to my room.

Phil POV:

"Techno." I don't want to shake him, he doesn't like contact when he's out of it, but I don't want to yell, it scares him. "Techno?" I say louder, but not yelling.

He looks up at me

"Oh- hey dad- whened you get back? Ranboos here now-"

"What's wrong techno?"

"...whens that medicine gonna be here?"

"I pick it up tomorrow at 7. I thought your book was good at distracting you?"

"Something happened."

"Oh." I shouldn't have left him. I should have waited. "Schlatt dropped of ranboo, didn't he? God those good for nothing parents- they were supposed to drop him off not schlatt-"

"It's fine dad."

"No it's not. Was he drunk? High? Is he try anything?"

"Both. And he just tried to get in but I locked the door."

"God why can't their oldest brother drop them off instead- he can drive right? He's your age-"

"Dad. Yes he can drive, but he's just as bad as schlatt, he's probably drunk right now too, he just doesn't get high or aggressive, he just...gets overly energetic. To the point it's scary. Also, his name is Alex."

"God that whole family, I wish ranboo didn't have to live there, I don't want that to happen to him."

"Dad, tommy and tubbo would never let him drink or get high while he's underage.he wouldn't even want to, growing up like that."

"Yeah but- what if schlatt or Alex peer pressure him. You know they can do that."

Technos silent. I shouldn't have said that.

"Well if that happens we will get him out of that situation. End of discussion."

He slams his book closed and walks up to his room.

"Wait techno-" he's gone. I can't leave him alone though, that's why he was on the couch, I need to watch him until I get his voices under control again.

I open his door and he's on his bed just staring at the ceiling, muttering words to himself.


I inch closer


He's still just talking to himself, probably not even himself, the voice.


"Fine I'll fucking do it." He says in a whisper yell, still talking to himself.

He bursts up and begins walking twords his closet before seeing me.


"techno. Ive been saying your name for the past minute mate."

"Ohhhh- oh."

"What were you going to do tech?"

"Uhhhhh say sorry for bursting out like that?"

"Yeah yeah I know you weren't gonna do that. Tell me the truth. Please."

"I-" he looks at his closet again before looking back at me with glossed over eyes.

"Can I check your shelf in your closet techno?"

He nods.

God I hope I don't find what I think I'm going to in here, his closet is clean other than the small pile by the door of shirts.

I stand on his chair to look up there, up there is just books and a little box, I pick up the box.

"Can I open this tech?"

He nods slowly.

I open it.


"Oh. Techno please don't say you were going to."

He looks at me with an expression just to say 'i was'

I take the blade out of the box

"I have to take this techno, come on, let's go to the kitchen, you can help me make sandwiches for everyone." He nods. God I need that call from the pharmacy earlier please. Please come before tomorrow, they're supposed to call me the second they get it.

On our way down I pass wils room and ask him if he wants a ham and cheese sandwich or peanut butter and jelly, he says ham and cheese. I already know tubbo and ranboo want peanut butter and jellys, tubbos with creamy peanut butter and ranboos with crunchy, and tommy wants ham and cheese.



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