chapter one

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When she called the Police, they took him away while she cried

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When she called the Police, they took him away while she cried. She ran back to their apartment and picked up their daughter, Charlotte who was 4. They drove to the hospital. He was very obviously dead but they still needed to go. When she was there, she called Natalie, Carmen, and Richie. They were the closest to him, besides her. She sat with Charlotte, who had no idea what was going on. Sophie didn't have the heart to tell her yet. She asked one of the nurses to watch Charlotte while she went outside and talked

Because it was so late, only Richie picked up. Who knew the time difference with Camren anyways. And Nat was always a early sleeper.

"Hello?" He said

"Hey Richie I-uh have some news." She replied

"What's up? Is everyone okay?"

"Um no not really" she tried not to cry but failed "Mikey took his life earlier. Like last night I guess" it was already past 12 "shot him self in the head."

"Are you fucking kidding?!" He asked

"No I'm not." She cried "I'm at the hospital with Charlotte right now."

"Jesus fucking Christ" he mumbled "I'm coming over there"

"Alright. See you"

"Yeah..see you" he said

Richie came in record time. They hugged and cried, which was not a normal thing for Richie. She was sure he would be deflecting in no time but it was really sinking in for the both of them. Since her calls to Carmy and Natalie had both gone to voicemail, she sent them both one with the news. 
After the incident, Sophie was in a depression. She had visited the Berzattos multiple times since he had died and mostly spent time with Donna. She talked to Sugar a bit but she mostly spent her time at home. Carmen was yet to come home but she was sure that he would soon.

When she wasn't at the Berzatto house, she was at the Original Beef of ChicagoLand. She checked in on them constantly, I mean their loved boss had died and it had to have been hard for them. She had gathered them all up and sat them down. She told them what had happened and that Mikey most likely left the restaurant to Carmen and that he would be coming whenever he was able to.

Before Mikey died, he told Sophie all about how when he died, he would give the restaurant to Carmen. I mean he wanted to be a part of it right? He never wanted to get Carmen sucked into the restaurant, it would kill him. I mean he was already under enough stress being the top chef in the best restaurants! That's why he would barely let her into the restaurant too. He thought Carmen could make The Beef into something better and Mikey didn't know if he was ready for the much change. He didn't believe he could do it by himself.

Sometimes when she met with Donna, Sugar would be there. They would all reminisce about their time with Mikey. How amazing he could be. Her and Sugar would go and get a coffee or lunch together sometimes. She was Sugar's best friend before she was Mikey's girlfriend after all. They used to hang out constantly before she got sucked into The Beef. She always wanted to help and although Mikey would barely let her do anything, she helped as much as she could.

Sophie hadn't truly mourned. She spent so much of her time distracting herself with everyone else that when she thought of Mikey, she would go into an overthinking frenzy. Why hadn't he just talked to her? Or stayed on call so that they could talk it out. She could have done something about his recent distance or abnormal behavior. She should have been faster to get to him, started running sooner, then he wouldn't have been dead. She couldn't help but think it was her fault.

As much as she distracted herself, she would go home for the day and the built up sadness would come out. She would cry for hours on end, barely eating or drinking anything. She would look at old photos and pray that he would magically re-appear. Everywhere she looked in her apartment, she saw him. Framed pictures of them, random appliances he had fixed for her, it was too much.

Carmen had come home, he had missed Mikey's funeral. The funeral was quite small. Just the Berzatto Family, her, and a few others. She could barely stand being there. She didn't look when they put him in the ground. It was too final. But now that he had his headstone there, she would spend her morning with him. Even the nights when she needed to talk to him. She would talk to him about what she did that day, or how everyone missed him so much and how she just wished none of this had happened.

The next few months were hard. She had to take care of The Beef because no one else was. She thought about temporarily closing it until Carmen got there but they would loose too much money. She worked on organizing Mikey's incredibly UNorganized office.

When Carmen came, she finally had a moment of peace; but that didn't last long.

First chapter is done!
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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