Matching Bracelets

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"It's so hot here!" Aliyah complained. "I don't know why Shaunte insisted we come here." Everette simply stared daggers into Aliyah, causing her to flinch. The night sky made snow seem scarier, as snows face was blank like a newly bought canvas.

"If you don't want to deal with the heat, you're more than welcome to dip your toes for a swim in the sea," snow suggested. "No thank you!" she spat back. "I'd rather get scorched to death than touch seawater." Snow rolled snows eyes. "We're surrounded by seawater, you have to have touched it at some point in time."

Aliyah was about to retort back before someone ran up to the pair, carrying something in a bag. The pair turned to face the man, who came to a halt and panted, hands on their knees. He caught his breath and stood up, grinning at the two. Needless to say, he seemed like he was busy, as the visible portions of his skin were littered with bruises and the occasional cut.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," he spoke. Aliyah put her hands on her hips. "What took you so long? I was ready to leave had you took even longer." He pouted. "Changing the subject, what did you want to tell us Shaunte?" Everette asked. The man, Shaunte, lit up. "It's less tell and more show. Take a look inside the bag!" He opened it and the girls peered inside. There were three pairs of matching bracelets. Each pair had two bronze bracelets and two dyed bracelets. One pair had two purple bracelets, another had black, and then finally blue. Two of the pairs were crudely tied together with string, as if Shaunte was on a time crunch to get here. Which, he was.

"I got us matching bracelets!" he grinned. "The blue one is for Aliyah, and the black one is for Everette." Everette took out the pair with the black ones while Aliyah took out the pair with the blue ones. Aliyah carefully untied the string while Everette ripped it apart and quickly slid the bracelets onto snows arms. Aliyah tossed the string aside and put hers on as well while side eyeing Everette. Shaunte put his on as well (his wasn't tied together) and put out his arm excitedly.

"Now we're matching!" he exclaimed. Aliyah nodded. "Where'd you get these bracelets from?" Everette asked. He continued smiling, not giving an answer. The glint in his eye simmered, and his smile developed into a sinister grin, making snow shudder. Aliyah gulped, noticing the shift in the atmosphere around them.

"Do you want to find out?"

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