A Day on Shell Island

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"Raise the sails!" Edward barked. The crew on the small sailboat obeyed, sailing to a halt at Shell Island's dock. Seagulls squawked above, and a light breeze brushed against Jahir's face. One of the crew members laid a plank down on the dock, allowing him to step off the boat. He walked up the boardwalk, entering the village.

It was late afternoon, and not many people were out and about. Jahir spotted the wanted board and walked up to it. Gazing at the posters, he tore one off and read the info printed on it. The criminal was on this very island, and he was about to go hunt them down. However, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

It was an acquaintance of his. Shaunte was her name. She wore a magenta tropical shirt patterned with yellow streaks, cargo shorts, and black sandals. Her bronze fishing rod was resting on her shoulder as she gripped the handle tightly. She flashed him a toothy grin.

"Jahir, buddy! I wasn't expecting you to be here!" she exclaimed. Putting a free arm around the shorter man, she pulled him into a side hug. He almost toppled over from her strength, accidentally dropping the wanted poster. A red-cloaked figure picked up the poster, staring blankly at Jahir. He simply stared back as the figure handed back the poster to him. It was unnerving, to say the least.

"Is that a wanted poster?" she asked. "Yep," he confirmed. "I'm going to go hunt down a criminal." She uncurled her arm from around him and let it dangle at her side. "I see. Well, I better not keep you busy. Go and do your thing," she waved him off as she made her way towards the dock, eager to go fishing. Jahir sighed. Shaunte can get annoying but she means well, is what he chose to believe. Dwelling on the negatives of someone won't get him far.

He walked up a nearby ramp, entering the forested part of Shell Island. He made sure to tread carefully, being unfamiliar with the area. It would be nice if Shaunte could help track the criminal down. She literally lives here, for fuck's sake! he thought. Suddenly, he felt a spear whisk past his face.

"Spear Throw!"

A criminal had spotted him, and began their attack. It was the one Jahir had been looking for. He got into a fighting stance, and launched himself at the criminal.


The two clashed, fist against weapon, berserker against warrior, trying to gain the upper edge. Jahir jumped back, and the warrior threw their spear at him again. This time, it connected, and skewed the lower left part of his torso. Somehow, it didn't hurt, and Jahir continued fighting. He smashed his fist on the ground, creating a shockwave.

"Smash!" he screeched. The shockwave disoriented the warrior, and they fell off the cliff...

...Onto a certain ex-pirate's hut. Jahir leapt and hit them with several punches before grabbing them by the collar and throwing them onto the ground, creating a shockwave that destroyed the area around them.


The criminal jumped up and exhaustedly threw the spear at Jahir, missing him entirely. Their injuries were slowing them down and Jahir took advantage of it. He hit them a few more times for good measure, knocking out the criminal. He dragged the unconscious body to the docks of Shell Island, noticing a Grand Navy sailboat sailing towards the island. His eyes widened in fear and realization as he booked it.

Shaunte watched him drop off the unconscious body at the docks and run off while she fished. Since Jahir was a criminal, there was no telling if whoever was on the boat will spare him despite the fact that he helped with arresting the criminal. The Grand Navy sailboat pulled in and docked at the island, and a marine walked off the boat.

"Hello there Miss Tempest," they greeted. She waved. "Hiya." The marine pulled out two pairs of black colored handcuffs and put one pair onto the criminal's hands and the other around their ankles, effectively restraining them. The marine dragged them onto the sailboat, taking control of the boat while Shaunte grimaced at the sight. Blood dripped down the criminal's mouth, leading to a small pool of blood on the wooden planks.

"It appears notorious criminal Darkwood's boat is here," they announced. "If you see it anywhere, let the Grand Navy know," they requested. She nodded, fully aware that she wasn't going to give Jahir away. Hell, she's dating an assassin, she's not going to go behind someone's back and oust them to the authorities. That would just make her an asshole, and there were far too many in the Bronze Sea.

The blue sailboat sailed away, blending into the clear sky and sea. Shaunte sighed and returned to fishing. She had a long day ahead of her, and the boat scared off any potential catches.

Jahir walked back up the ramp to view any damages he may have caused while fighting. Unfortunately, he was confronted by a fuming blue haired woman.

"What the hell was that for?!" she exclaimed, arms crossed and cheeks puffed up. "Sorry about your house, Caria," he apologized. "Your apology isn't going to fix the damages you caused," she retorted. "I know. How about I repair it?" he offered. She simmered down and thought about it. "Sure, why not? I'll help." Jahir grinned. Finally, something new to do for once.

An old yet strong greataxe embedded with amethyst in hand, Jahir got to work, slowly but surely gathering wood and helping repair Caria's house.


I genuinely enjoyed writing this chapter, and I'm kinda proud of the fighting part. Writing fight scenes isn't my forte, lol. But yeah, I hope you enjoyed a peek into the life of Jahir Darkwood, who is my first criminal file lol.

I occasionally play Arcane Odyssey, so if you see Earthquakeblue/Birdtail_Scratch in-game feel free to message me hello!

By the way, not all of these chapters will have author notes. Just wanted to let you know teehee.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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