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He sat in the nurses office with a black eye. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you." he sat there looking down "I'm so so so so so sosoossosoossoso sorry..." she was trying not to giggle when all of a sudden the same blonde haired, blue eyed, bitch walked in to give the nurse something and stared dead at us "Oh," he muttered with a box in his hand walking up to the nurse "This is for you.. From, Mr. Brown? I think it was." he was trying to avoid Mysterio, heavily, and he could tell "He's so selfish.." he was speaking his thoughts aloud
"What?" Slipz raised an eyebrow trying to hold the ice steadily over his black eye, that she gave him.. "Anyways, sorry.. Again." her face drooped as she looked over to see what Mysterio was staring at as she hummed in annoyance with their behavior "It's fine," he looked back over to her "Not the first time anyways." a long sigh and small giggle fell from his mouth. He turned back over to see that Callan was gone "Hey, I think i'm gonna head back to my dorm, rest a bit, I've missed all my classes anyways." He got up not bothering to hear what she has to say and leaves the nurses office. Where did he go? That was the only thought on his mind at the moment.

The alarm clock, that damn alarm clock. It's the same every morning, sun shining in, making his eyes shine like a jar of fresh honey, a slight sweat from possible nightmares or heavy sleeping. It was always the same, blanket laying half off the bed, alarm clock still blaring, but it wasn't the same today. It was dull, it was dark, it seemed as though a storm was brewing. He didn't wake up on his side per usual, but staring straight at the bottom of his bunk where he saw a little heart carving right above him. There was no sun peering in, just complete and utter darkness. "Shut the fuck up will you.." he reached over to shut the noisy alarm off realizing his roommate was once again, still here and still asleep. He sat up looking around the room seeing the.. thing.. from yesterday still on the table, he just shook his head and got up getting ready to start his day.

The paper he had to write, he'd practically forgotten all about it at this point, but he has six days right? What's the worst that could happen!

"You all have your rough drafts for your essays correct?" Mr. Smith had asked.
Mysterio sighed and put his head down hoping it was just a question and he wasn't taking them in to review for his own sick pleasure "You seriously haven't even started it?" Slipz asked
"Nuh uh." he replied keeping his head down trying to avoid another hit to his other eye "Nothing comes to mind y'know?" he muttered with his face in his arms "I get it, I'm sure you got this. MrKnight has been acting so sketchy lately, he's practically locked himself in his room." They kept chatting on and on since the teacher was practically rambling about nothing while Slipz noticed she was getting a few stares from this girl across the room with brown hair, green eyes, and a book laying on the desk "Weirdos I swear!" She said aloud
"Class dismissed."

"Sooo... You coming to the little festival thing some of the departments are planning?" Slipz asked as they were heading down to the dining hall to pick up something small to eat and hopefully see MrKnight there. "Don't really know yet, haven't even heard much about it." he trailed off at the end "Apparently it's just some get together thing for the one hundred?... Year anniversary for the school. Nothing too crazy, but we get out of classes for it!" She sounded genuinely excited since she was in the art department and they were a pretty big part of it. "I guess I'll be there for you." he smiled softly getting his point across that he cared.

After eating with Slipz, with no sign of MrKnight.. He had gone up to his room to pick up some shorts and a t-shirt for his Kinesiology class, which he didn't really need to change for but he wanted out of those clothes anyways..
He had sped on down to the classroom just to walk in and see a board with names on it.. 'Assigned Parters'
'Mysterio and Callan'
"You have to be joking." He slowly turned his head over to look at the table he was expected to sit and saw him there. Staring right back at him.
"What is going on??" he said under his breath
"Go sit down," Coach Allan said peering over Mysterio with a harsh expression on his face.
He slowly, very slowly, walked over to the desk that Callan was sitting at mumbling the words 'Why me' under his breath continuously until he reached the desk pulling his chair out and not looking at him ONCE. He noticed Callan peeking at him from the side while he was trying to listen to the stupid ass lesson the coach was giving them on ways to take care of your body, etc. "Can you not fucking stare?" He snapped still not making eye contact, causing the entire room go silent "Excuse me? I can do what I want with MY eyes." Callan's shoulders clearly tensed up as he straightened his posture, probably trying to do some weird defensive bullshit which clearly was not working on Mysterio. "I'm leaving." He got up, pushed his chair in and went up to the coach who seemed tired of his job and handed Mysterio the work for the day telling him this would only slide once. Callan ran out of the room chasing after Mysterio "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR DEAL." He yelled at his turned back, yet he kept walking "I haven't done shit to you. How would I know we would be attending the same college? I transferred because of some issues at my old one, I didn't know, okay?" suddenly Mysterio stopped in his tracks "You haven't done shit to me? Really?" he turned around walking up to Callan "You haven't done SHIT to me? Yeah I bet you would see it that way, because you never do anything wrong, right?" he screamed in his face "It's stupid you know? Keeping this immature bullshit going. We aren't in high school anymore. THIS IS REAL LIFE." Callan was clearly fed up with his shit
"My bad. I forgot it's only okay when you're mad!" Mysterio conquered up a fake grin and turned around to walk away "FUCK YOU." Callan screamed at the top of his lungs, it was almost like everything froze in time. It went completely silent, he felt numb, it was dark, it was all too familiar.

"Get out of my life. All you've ever done was cause me trouble. So leave, don't bother me, don't speak of me, don't look at me, don't even THINK of me. It was 'Oh so wrong!!' when I tried to talk to you the other day and you ran away from me, but now that I try it's wrong? You've always been so full of it Callan." Mysterio was done. The old familiar feeling he always felt when in Callan's presence had returned.

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