I Get Bored

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"This essay is going to kill me, Slipz.." he huffed and whined "You know you've been saying that for the past 4 days, right?" she replied while replying to a text she had gotten, "I mean come on, it's.. Friday? We were given the directions on Monday. You have the weekend still." she was still looking down at her phone sitting on his bed while he was miserable at his desk, coffee in hand.
"You're right.. I'll just cram it into one weekend!" He looked over to Slipz, feeling like it was a very one-sided conversation because that was probably the first thing she's said to him in an hour. He got curious as to what she was doing that was so important, "What are you doing?" he looked over to her raising an eyebrow, she'd giggle and reply with "Texting." he knew she was up to something "MrKnight?" he questioned
"Nah, I think he has a secret girlfriend or something, he's been really busy lately." she replied giggling at another text
"Uh huh.." he could CLEARLY tell she was trying to change the subject and was making up some dumb lie

"I assume you guys have just about completed your essays?" Mr. Smith said, "Your final drafts MUST be submitted on Monday, no later. This is for me to see where you're at, how creative you are, and if you're worthy for my class. So I recommend you try your hardest." Mysterio took a FAT sigh leaning on Slipz' shoulder on the verge of tears "This is so gay, these dumbass assignments." Slipz was laughing at him knowing she already finished hers as she looked over and did a flirty wink to a girl across the classroom while Mysterio wasn't looking. She pushed him off her shoulder "You'll be fine, I know you will."
"I hope so."
"Class dismissed."

He painfully, procrastinatingly, absolutely horridly, makes his way to his Kinesiology class, of course he has others, but he sleeps through half of them. He never really wanted to go to college anyways, it was just how things panned out.
He walked through the already open door to his next class desperately trying to calm himself down, this was a daily thing now. Callan and him wouldn't even look at each other, they wouldn't breathe too loud to draw attention to the other, they would even silently try and write. It was so annoying for the both of them, they were going to fail the only class they were actually excited for, but they had it, together.
He tried to not think too hard on it.
His best friends festival was today anyways, he was going to be there for her and he's pushed enough of his problems on her ever since Callan arrived, he just bothered him, so much. The biggest problem was that he could never tell what was going on in his head, it was so.. Dark feeling. Being around him was as if you were constantly stuck in the middle of a tornado and everything you went near was destroyed. He was the drug and Mysterio was the addict.

"MYSTERIO! OVER HERE!" He could hear Slipz screaming at the top of her lungs from across the gardens and running up to him "Sooo... How is it!" he had never seen her smiling so hard, seeing her art everywhere really heightened his mood. "I'm really proud of you, don't forget that." he smiled hitting the back of her shoulder softly, "Now go on, you have people to talk to and some work to do don't you?" he started to stare down at some of the flowers next to them "Well.. Yeah. I was trying to procrastinate but you're right, don't forget to stop by before you leave!" she smiled running off
What a dork.
He strolled down the sidewalk staring at all of the colorful flower assortments with the art all of the students had created in the fields, but he noticed something strange, different, abstract. It was a slightly opened door painted onto a small canvas sitting out a bit further away from everything else with a bloody dripping handprint made out of red cut up flower petals.
He stared deeply at it examining what seemed to be the initials "C.L" on the bottom left corner with a few words slightly covered by a petal he gently moved with his finger 'The Interpretation of Forbidden Love- I Wish I Never Closed That Door'
He turned around to see Callan staring at him from afar at one of the many tables with treats on them.
"What the hell?" he said under his breath wondering why Callan was staring at him, and making his way over. "Nuh uh." he looked the other way to try and make it seem like he never even saw him staring.
"Explain yourself." Callan said appearing behind him at the speed of light making him jump a little
"We've been so hostile to each other and for what? Some stupid incident that happened when we were kids?"
Those words went right through Mysterio's heart, like an arrow shooting and killing it's prey. "I mean I don't even know what we were thinking anyways, it was stupid, immature, and immoral. I don't even know why I fed into it, the whole.. Incident." Callan was clearly nervous and most definitely lying
"I get bored." He responded "What?" Callan asked him slight raising his eyebrow in confusion "I get bored, I used you. I didn't want you, or need you, I used you." He lied, harshly, and he could tell it definitely did something to Callan "Now leave me alone, you got your answer." he walked off to go find Slipz, leaving Callan standing there with not a thought behind his eyes.

He felt guilty of course, but there was something that instantly took his mind off of it. Slipz was standing there. Flirting, or at least what it looks like. With a girl. The same girl from their English class who literally sits on the complete other side, who Slipz has never once mentioned. What is going on today?
He sees her walk off and walks up behind Slipz "Who was that?" he asks towering over her "SHIT! You scared the fuck out of me, who?" she was sweating bullets
"The... The girl? Brown hair, green eyes, the weird bitch in our English class??" Slipz just pretended to act really confused and scurried on over to someone else from the art department so she could pretend to do something important. "I think I need to sleep. Maybe I am sleeping, maybe this is all one sick sick nightmare and I'm going to wake up on the first day again and everything is going to be completely normal!"

It wasn't.
He had to get to work on his essay as soon as possible

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH," a scream echoed through the entire boys dormitory. It was Mysterio and all of a sudden he was getting a call
"Hello?" he asked
"HEYYY!" Slipz said
"Wellll, I was thinking since you're so stressed about the essay, I come over and stock you up on sweets and coffee all night to help you out!"
"Oh come on," she huffed "We both know you need it and bad."
"ALRIGHT! I'll be over soon, you'll
be ready by Monday!" she hung up

He slammed his head on the desk as a cry for help

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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