Chapter Three: Sound; S

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The wind blew gently through the trees, the leaves leaving a soft crinkle in the air. Sighing, Cloud looked over at the sky, dark, only lit up by the street lights. Had he really been working that late? The open window provided a soft breeze and the ambient noise from outside. Cloud looked at his watch, the face reading eighteen forty-five, "damn..." he murmured to himself before heading down to "Annalise's" floor. Hopefully she would still be there. He had hoped they could step out for dinner before heading home. "Naenia?" He breathed as he knocked on the door. "Naenia, are you there?" Cloud began to open the door when he felt the cool metal against the back of his neck, the sensation against his skin sent chills down his spine. "I wouldn't open that door if I were you, I also would leave Annalise alone. It's in everyone's best interest here. Especially yours." The voice was deep and hoarse, it didn't sound like anyone he knew. How did they get access to the building? They had state-of-the-art technology here. None of this made sense, Cloud's head began to spin. He heard the rattling of the gun that sat against the back of his neck "What the absolute fuck are you talking about...?" he managed to murmur out. "What do you mean for my best interest? You do know threatening an officer is a federal offense right? If I were you I wo-" Cloud was cut off. "Fine, I'll let you off. For now."

The sound of receding footsteps allowed Cloud to release a breath he didn't know he had been holding, though what Cloud did know is whoever that was, it had to have been the killer. He saw the crimson cloak, he knew he had almost died. The killer knew what he wanted, and he had played the long game, though, now he began to get bored. Cloud could tell this would be one of his last nights. Releasing another breath, Cloud opened the door. "Naenia?" He called out. "I'm in my office!" She called back out. A wave of relief came across Cloud's body as he walked quickly towards her, his footsteps the only sound in the building currently. "You're working too hard again, Naenia." He sighed as he walked over to the girl and sat on her desk beside where she had been working. "Cloud, you're still here too. You do know that means you're working just as hard. Right?" She chuckled. Her laughter made his heart flutter. It always had. Something about her made his heart flutter. A slight smirk came to his face as he grabbed her hand, "Stop writing, you can work more tomorrow. Come get dinner with me, my dear, Naenia." He brought her hand to his lips, placing a sweet kiss on her hand. "Cloud," She paused as she looked at him. "You know you have to be careful using that name here. When we're at work please, just use 'Annalise'" She spoke as she stood up. "So, where did you want to go to dinner then, Thanatos?"

A laugh erupted from both of them, it filled the room. "You know how much I despise my name. Though, maybe when it comes from you, it's not so bad." He let out a slight breath before grabbing her hand. Heels clicking against the floor matched his own footsteps. "Why do you hate Naenia so much? I think it's a beautiful name." He spoke gently, his voice soft, the same kind of soft she imagined clouds would feel like. "I don't like the meaning behind it. It has to do with funerals or something. Why don't you like Thanatos? I think it's a very cool name." He could hear her smile, he knew she was being genuine, "My mom named me after the Greek god of well... death? I suppose. Thanatos was death though. The personification of it. I always thought the meaning behind it was too dark. Though, with what we've been working with? It doesn't seem too far off." He joked. Naenia pushed the door open as the two stepped outside, "So, how about some noodles?" Naenia offered, which was reciprocated by a smile and a slight nod from Thanatos.


"Thanks for dinner, Than." Naenia looked at him as she pushed her front door open. "Anytime, Naenia. Try not to work yourself too hard at work, love. I'll see you tomorrow." Thanatos watched as Naenia closed the door, the trees began rustling in the wind yet again as the door closed with a creek. A smile began to play at Thanatos's lips, all things considered, this wasn't a bad thing per say. If nothing else, he had done what he needed to do. He told her how he felt, he told her what he wanted, and in the end, he told her that he wanted to try again with her once all this was over. He was finally satisfied. Now, all he had to do was see it through to the end. Though, even he knew he wasn't immortal.

He reached into his pocket for his keys, the clicking of them as he pulled them out brought him some slight ease as he began to open the front door, maybe, he'd live long enough to make good on his promise to Naenia. The door closed with a click as he stepped inside. There was a buzz coming from the living room. 'Well, shit...' he thought to himself, he knew he had turned off the lights before he left. Was someone in his house? Thanatos swiftly pulled out his gun with a slight clunk of the metal. He creeped into the living room, aiming his gun at whoever was in the room.

He quickly put his gun away with a slight sigh. "It's just you. Why are you here?" He spoke to the figure before him. "You know, you played a very risky game just now, you should learn how not to make a sound."


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