Chapter Five: T A S T ; E

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The sound of chains clashing together made its way through Naenia's ears. The taste of iron and metal filled her mouth, along with something else she couldn't exactly name, maybe Cinnamon, or mint? Maybe even a cross between the two. Her mouth was dry, her hands hurt, and the metallic taste in her mouth made her feel just a bit uncomfortable, then she remembered how she had found poor Thanatos, her Thanatos, and she opened her eyes, the room was dark, the air cold, and her body bound. "What the fuck...?" She tried to speak, only to find mouth covered as well. "Well... fuck. This isn't good..." She thought to herself, as she made an attempt to free her arms. The loud slam of the door hitting the concrete wall filled her ears, she jerked backwards, attempting to hold her ears in one way or another. The overstimulation of the entire situation finally began to set in, her chest began to hurt, she wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and console herself. She shut her eyes, attempting to do so in her own way, and then she felt the wet sensation on her cheek. She jumped backwards again, opening her eyes and attempting to scream, and finally, she put two and two together. He reached out and pulled the cloth from her mouth. "You've got spunk, my love, but why do you run from me so much? Annalise, after everything I've done, it's all been for you, I just wanted you to finally see me." He smiled, a twisted smile, one she'd never seen on his face, "Why... Why did you do it? Have you been fucking with us this whole time?!" She yelled, he laughed, a sinister laugh, one that sent the worst kind of chill down her spine. "I did it for you! Everything I've done has been for you! Had you not looked at Cloud the way you did he'd still be here! His death was crucial! He was in the way! He was in our way, Annalise! He needed to be taken care of!"

Naenia was horrified. She felt her soul leaving her body, what in the ever so living fuck was happening... "Vincent... Why are you doing all of this?" She murmured. "I already told you! I did it for you!" His lips turned into a twisted smile, it caused a pit to form in her stomach. "I did this so I could finally have you! I've been trying for so damn long. Ever since the day I saw you, I knew that I wouldn't stop at anything to have you!" his twisted grin widened, a sickening laugh followed, Naenia was terrified. "You're fucking insane! Killing people is not how you should have gone about it!" She yelled, trying to release her hands from their bindings, she watched his face drop, and truth be told, Naenia didn't know what was scarier, his sinister smile, or his unreadable face. "Oh, Annalise, my dear, Cloud was the last piece that stood in our way! Now, there's nothing standing in between us! I caught your attention with the deaths! It's not like any of them mattered anyways, they were just smaller pawns in a bigger game! Thanatos was the last person I needed to get rid of, and look now! I have you within my hands! And I don't plan on letting you go!" Naenia paused, her stomach dropped again, 'how... how did he know Thanatos's real name...?' As if he could read her thoughts, Vincent began laughing, a sinister, sickening laugh, one that made her stomach turn in the worst way possible. "You still haven't put it together have you?" He snickered. Naenia felt her heart drop to her stomach, "What...? What do you mean?" She asked as she tried to push herself further against the wall as Vincent stepped closer to her. "Oh, my love, how could it slip past you. Thanatos was working with me. Not entirely of his own accord anyways. It took a bit of threatening before he finally decided to work with me." Vincent laughed as he kneeled in front of Naenia. "My dear, Annalise," Vincent paused as his hands reached out to grab her face, forcing her to look at him. "All I've ever wanted was you, and now that I have you, we can finally live the life I've wanted us to live from the moment I laid eyes on you." His eyes pleaded out to her, his voice laced with a sickening level of yearning, she felt sick as she looked into his eyes. She forced her head away from his grasp and spat in his direction. "I'd rather die." Naenia hissed.

Vincent's face dropped gently as he stood up and looked down at her. "Well, death isn't an option, my love." Vincent spoke, his voice colder than before. "I'm not your love, and I never will be!" She hissed back at him. "Oh my dear Annalise, you're leaving me no choices here, my darling..." He sighed, his sinister smile reappearing, he cut the ropes binding her hands above her head and watched her try to run, only for her to realize the door was locked, she tried everything in her power to get away from him, to get out and in a moment of her desperation she was distracted by the door, and that was when she saw everything flash before her eyes, she turned to see Vincent as he was taking down his hood, he was covered in blood, and the blood only grew, most likely her own. The pain began to become unbearable as she felt the blood drip down from her neck. Vincent smiled down at her, watching the blood spill from her neck as the life drained from her eyes, his interest only grew further as he watched her lifeless body fall to the floor. "Finally... You can be mine, Annalise, you're mine..." He spoke with a sinister smile before he picked her up and tossed her over her shoulder.


Vincent smiled gently as he looked over at Annalise's head which sat across from him at the table, his plate full, her eyes dull and lifeless, but her expression was... just delicious. He loved it, he finally had everything he wanted, everything he worked for. He cut into the cooked thigh on his plate, the blood still dripping down his body, before long his ears perked up gently at the sounds coming from outside,

He saw the red and blue flashing lights before looking back over at Annalise. Speaking something barely above a whisper, listening to the noise from outside.

"Come out with your hands up, Vincent Valentine!!" The voice yelled, it sounded familiar to Vincent. He then looked back up at Annalise, "It seems, you had been conspiring with Zack Fair, even in death you deny me your love." He sighed before the voice spoke once again. "Vincent Valentine! We have you surrounded!"


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