Secret lover

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Haerin's pov

I was walking to school with my backpack full of gifts and snacks.

You may ask why I have my backpack full.

I like to put gifts in Danielle's locker.

Danielle has been my friend for 4 years.

I've caught feeling for her. She is beautiful and kind who wouldn't fall in love with her.

I finally arrived at school. I run to her locker. She was grabbing something.

"Hey Haerin!"

"Hey Danielle!"

"What are you doing here?" She asks me a question.

"I'm just waiting for you so we can walk together"

It was a lie. I mean I do want to walk with her but I need to put her gifts and snacks in there.

"I'm alright done let's go!" Danielle grabbed my hand and started walking.

We walked together. Our hands intertwine.

She looked at me and I gave her a smile. She gave me a gummy smile. Cute.

We got to class and sat down at our seats. Danielle was next to me.

"Hey Danielle I brought banana milk and bread you want some?" I ask her.

"Yes please I didn't eat breakfast today" She said patting her stomach. She could be pretty and cute without even trying.

I gave her half of bread and banana milk.

"Yummy this is so good. Where did you buy this at?"

"Me and my mom made it" I answered her question.

"You guys should open a bakery!"


She smacked my shoulder.

"I want to go see your mom again it's been forever since I've seen her"

"How about today Rin?"

"Okay I will ask if she's free"

Danielle puts her head on my shoulder and wraps her arms around me.

"I don't know what I will do without you Rin" I felt like I was going to explode. My face was a red like a tomato. I just hugged her back.

"Me too Danielle I don't know what I will do without you" she gave me a lovely smile.

The bell rang.

"Okay students we are going to be make projects! Choose your own partner!"

I look at Danielle and she looks at me.

"Do you want to be my partner?" I ask.


The teacher explained what the project was going to be about.

I really didn't pay attention.

The only thing that I was paying attention to was Danielle holding my hand underneath the desk.

"Haerin the bell rang!"

"My bad I was zoning out" I gave her a quick smile.

"Well I should get going I have pe" I told her and walked out of the class.

I do have pe next period but I'm going to skip so I could put her gifts in there.

I walk over to Danielle's locker. I was about to slip the letter and a teddy bear with flowers and chocolate inside her locker.

"So you are the one who always puts gifts in my locker?!?!"

"You've have been doing it for the pass 3 years" she say.

"No it isn't me some guy told me to put a letter in your locker for him" I lied.

"The last time I checked boys don't crush over me"

She walks over to me.

"Haerin do you have a crush on me?" I don't know what to say.

If I say yes she will probably be disgusted. Or she will ditch me and no be her friend anymore.

"Haerin yes or no?" She was serious. Her eyes lost her spark.

"What if I say yes?"

"I will not be your friend anymore" she was still serious. I was terrified. I don't know what to say.

"Nah I'm just kidding I was just acting"

"Damn you are good at acting Dani"

"But do you actually like me Haerin?"

"Yes I do Dani I'm sorry I can't help my feelings..."

"Don't worry Haerin I like you back!"

"You do?"

"Yup I'm being honest!"

Dani comes closer to me. I close my eyes and lean in. We kissed.

"That was incredible" Dani says.

"How about we skip school and go hangout with your mom!!" Danielle yells.

"Shhh the halls are empty they are going to find us skipping" she pats my head.

"Let's go partner"

"Can wait to hangout with your mom!"

711 words

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