Considering A Choice

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Hello! Its me Bumbly!

So you guys might be wondering why i made a chapter in this abandoned fanfiction?

Well my beloved followers, readers and viewers. I am actually think of continuing this book!

I have recovered well!

If you don't remember what i mean by "recovered well". I ment by all of the negative bulls* i went through. (Read the previous chapter titled "The End")

Tho i am not sure tho because:
1. I don't know how to continue the plot.
2. I don't have my writing book because i lost it and all those future chapters (before i decided to end the book) where all there so their now gone. Back to scratch.
3. I have another drafted story.
4. I am thinking to leave the fandom because of its many conflicts.

But those that i listed are just reasons so that doesn't make the chance go down of me going to continue this story! I think...

I will just update you guys if i have decided and thanks for your support.

From the constant views this fanfiction have been getting made me motivated to maybe work on the story again. And not just that, other reasons are:
Your comments
Your support
And your understandings

I am very grateful to have you all read this. And without you, i may be just a mindless teenager scrolling through twitter all day doing nothing. (Which i just did earlier)

Before i discontinued this fanfiction, i always prioritized it first. I wanted all of you to enjoy it with constant updates on it!

I would have multiple ideas going through my mind because its all thanks to you guys!

And if i do decide continue this book, i would probably change some stuff like removing chapters, changing the plot and characters so its a whole remaster!

A lot of people dislike the chapters for "the gem crystal" as it only showed our beloved cast surviving, losing the sense of the purpose of the series. So i will be removing that and changing the plot!

More info when i decide to continue this book so i will see you all around! Bais!!! >v<

M!Ghost Fox x M!Nightcrawler x Y/N [On-going]Where stories live. Discover now