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a/n: i haven't necessarily written in so long, i don't know how and where to start but i'll definitely try lol. I have nothing to do nowadays, and often i'm sat in my room, doing nothing and i'm sad, upset even. I just listen to my music and read on this app for hours at a time, which lead me to this, boredom and sadness lead me to writing my own, so i hope it's readable😭😭

I was woken up to a loud beep sound, slowly arising i realized it was my alarm i set, great it's the first day of university. I don't know what to wear on my first day, i had thought i planned it out, actually i HAVE been planning it. But i never got around to it.

Now i'm sitting here, making a mess through my wardrobe as i slowly picked out on outfit. I realized i was also going to be moving into the dorms, so i also had to pack for university, this was already ruining my mood as if anyone was happy in the morning already.

While packing, my mom came into the room, i stood up to turn to her and she placed down the breakfast she had made me and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled at her as she started to go on and on about how she's going to miss me since i'm going to the dorms.

"sweetie i can't believe you're moving out already!" she practically yelled as she threw her arms around me throwing me into a tight hug, seemingly never going to let go of me despite hurting my arms because of her squeezing me.

"I know right?" I had laughed into the hug but she still didn't let go and we both awkwardly were hugging each other.

"do you need any help packing?" she asked as she let me go, "i will help you if needed, what if i never see you again oh my jungsu!" she said with sad eyes and started shaking me by my shoulders.

"no need to worry about that, i will make sure to visit you every break i get, you're my mother after all!" I said with a smile on my face kind of letting her know i want her out of my room now.

"alright but sweetie if you ever regret moving you can always call me and you're welcomed back home anytime." she said quickly hugging me and letting go. "Eat your breakfast and get ready quick!" then she had left my room.

I picked up the plate she had placed on my bed and started to slowly eat while also packing my stuff for university.

I grabbed my bags and headed off now, waving by to both of my parents as they hugged each other, both sad that their son was now moving away.

Now arriving at my university, i realized how big it was and my jaw dropped, but i stopped after realizing people might be looking at me and i needed to make a good first impression on everyone

while walking up this random ginger pushed through making me hit my head. I tried so hard not to make an outburst but hearing what he said made almost go insane.

"looks like someone fell hmmm, you okay there pretty boy?" He said with what looked like a smirk on his face, my face heated up and i got upset. he put his hand out for me to grab and i yanked it away, now i don't want to be anywhere near this boy, what is his deal?

I stood up and started walking off, i could feel him glaring at my back and eventually i heard footsteps right behind me. I couldn't hold back my frustration and turned around and grabbed him by the shoulders and then looked him in the eyes.

"Stop following me around you creep!" I said with only anger in my eyes, "you trip me over then follow me like some... some weirdo! stay away from me, i already don't like you as it is." I said still looking him eye to eye, but for some reason he didn't even look the littlest phased, lord i could even say he looked proud of himself!

I held myself back and started walking off, it's not like i would see him again. Yet i still could feel his presence behind my back, he kept following me like an idiot.

I turn around and he trips me again! Yet this time he caught me and held me by my waist, i could see the smirk on face as he saw i was clearly annoyed. I tried getting out of his grip yet he held on tight and eventually made me stand again and pulled me closely to him, hands still on my waist he got closer to my ear making my breath hitch.

"i didn't mean to trip you princess, you turned around too fast while i was still walking" he was whispering this in my ear and turned back to face my red face. I always about to yell at him then he just covered my mouth with his finger which shocked me.

"not too fast there, i can tell you're mad, but frankly i do not care, you're cuter when you keep your mouth shut." I then pushed him away from me forcing him to take his hand off my mouth and his other hand off my waist.

I stared at him then said "i hope i don't ever see you again, and if i do i'll be sure to ignore your presence, i'll pretend we never met." I said all in one breath then quickly said "actually i wish we never met!!" I then ran off to get as far away from him as i could.

university was going to be hell..

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