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I rushed to my first class, i just want to forget whatever had happened with... i didn't even get his name but whatever, i don't need to know. His name is probably just as annoying as his face. He would be attractive if he knew how to treat someone with human decency.

I just sat down in a random empty desk and the instructor only went over how the university works and basics so i drifted off to sleep. When I woke up it was time for the next class and they would be settling out our dorms.

I stood up to walk up to go to the next class, apparently they were doing it class by class which felt weird but i didn't mind, i sat by myself i knew nobody here, until this guy came and sat next to me, he had the hair of a unicorn.

"Hi! You're not waiting on someone are you?" The said guy sat by me and waited for my reply. "well, no i'm not..." i said almost awkwardly and i let a soft smile out. "that's great! can i sit here then? I honestly need to make new friends." he said then holding his hand out for me to shake it.

I nodded and shook his hand, "the names jiseok by the way" he smiled, "jungsu." i returned the smile. he then started to talk about all kinds of things, some i didn't even know about until they came in to assign us our dorm numbers, sadly enough me and jiseok didn't get the same dorm, i was enjoyed his company.

the rest of classes were just full of instructions and how the class would go, a usual first day and it went by faster than usual and i was dismissed to lunch already.

I sat down by myself, hope in me that jiseok would find me and sit down right by me, i kept my eyes open while eating to see if jiseok was anywhere nearby, but i couldn't find him. I gave hope up and just started to eat normally.

that was until i could feel someones presence sit right by me, i looked up thinking maybe it was jiseok but no, it was the same boy from this morning, and my eyes widened, why was he sitting next to me??! he could've picked any other place but no, he decided to sit next to me? I told him i hated him whats his deal now!

"you know you can use your words instead of just staring at me, right?" he said as he slightly laughed, and put his hand on my shoulder.

"what the hell are you doing here?!?" I said kind of freaked out as i hit his hand off of my shoulder, and i nearly yelled out too loud, and i could see his expression changed from sly to more of a "i'm going to annoy you" look.

"well i'm sitting by you, what else would i do??" he said as he slowly started to smirk. "you poor boy, you looked lonely, i felt so bad that i wanted to sit next to you. I couldn't help but just pity you." he said whilst still smirking at me and i had a slightly annoyed face.

"does it look like i even want you to be near me, let alone eating with me?!" I was getting upset at this point as he continued to just smile at me. "would you rather be lonely than have someone by you?" he pretended to frown at me and i scoffed.

"at this point, yeah i would rather be alone than be near you!" I could barely look into his eyes that i found oddly attractive, what am i saying..?

he looked maybe a little upset, which was new as i always saw him with that annoying little smirk. "well i'll leave if you want me to" he said as if he actually felt guilty, but i couldn't tell if he was or not, so i just kept analyzing his face until he started looking weirdly at me with a confused face, i then realized i can't just randomly do that to people, infront of their faces even...

i got a bit embarrassed and turned my head around so i wouldn't have to face him, "well yeah, it would be better if you left me alone then." I said kind of shaky, still flustered from what i did.

I could feel him nod and start to stand up, and so i turned around to see him leaving, i somewhat felt bad, he genuinely looked upset, but still i have my reasons! he annoyed me all morning and i just don't want to be near him. i couldn't help but feel almost empty when he left, i looked back at him where he sat with some of his what i assumed friends but he was looking at me, and not paying any attention to the people he was seated with.

i immediately turned my head after we made eye contact. I don't get why he was still staring... maybe just to annoy me even more?? gosh, i hated this feeling.

it was eventually the end of the day and i was going to my dorm for the first time, my stuff was already in there when i opened the door, probably because i gave them my stuff with my name on it they moved it for me.

I assumed my roommate just wasn't here yet so i laid down my bed, i started to daydream but then that daydream turned into actual dreaming.

I woke up around 11pm and i looked around, i still saw no roommate and i just figured maybe i didn't get one which was kind of sad and hopeful at the same time.

i heard noises in the livingroom so i stood up and went to check what it was, i was then shocked when i saw a baby kitten and another man by the kitten.

"hello??" I said confused and the man jumped making the kitten also turn around and sad by not getting any pets. maybe this was my roommate, but it was so late and no lights were on i couldn't see the mans face, all i saw was the white baby kitten laying down on the sofa.

"oh uhm, hi! you were asleep when i got here so i just tried not to make any noise, if i woke you up i apologize" the man said and i just looked around for a little before replying

"it's fine you didn't wake me up but i heard noises so i just came to check what it was, i was already awake it's good." I said smiling, and he turned on the lights i could finally see his face.

he had black hair and sad looking bunny eyes, i smiled he looked cute in this state, "whats your name?" I asked out of curiosity, he was also my roommate so i had to know his name.

"h..hyeongjun.." he stuttered "but.. you can j..just call me junhan!" he made a smile and i just smiled back at him, he was adorable.

"I'll call you junhan then, my names jungsu by the way." he seemed to lighten up a little bit after we sat down together, with the cat in his lap. we talked about random things and stuff like "who would ____" since well, we are going to be living together.

he went to bed but i was wide awake since i fell asleep WAYYY too early. i decided to take a walk, it would take energy out of me and i'd feel nice after.

while walking out, i saw someone on a bench sitting there with their head down, and suddenly it started to rain. I wanted to help him but i just couldn't since it started to rain, i felt guilty but i had to go back to the dorms, i felt terrible after leaving them there though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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