~Time to act~

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E: Ok so Springtrap, you agreed with my deal, but let's get one thing clear.....

ST: And that is?

E: It's simple really, If you do something stupid, or try to get out of this deal, I will kill you myself.......and.....I......will.....not.... hesitate....

ST: .............

N: Springtrap stood there looking at Elise's face without a sound. He quickly nodded in a yes to Elise's Question without speaking.

E: I'm guessing that's a yes then........Why are you so silent?

ST.......I just don't know what to expect in this deal!

E: Well now that you agreed to the deal expect to be hunted!

D: H-hunted???

E: Yes! Sorry sweetheart but being in the deal has consequences......but, I'll make sure to protect you guys as much as I can, that includes my brother!

W: Yes! We both don't want anything to happen to either of you, it just might happen though so always keep your eyes, and ears open!

D: Ok....

ST: Don't worry del's no one will mess with me I'm a gigantic Robot Bunny, so I know I'll be a good protector!

E: Don't be so confident Mr. Stanford!

ST: Why not??

E: Both Adrian & Shadrow are way stronger than you combined!

ST: .......Fine I'll be careful!

E: Thank you!

H: Uh? Springtrap? Del's? What are you guys doing here? And why are you talking to these Wolf human things??

ST: Harry?? I was going to ask you why your here?

H: I'm getting ice cream with my brother! What's going on?

E: Look, Harry right?

H: Yes my name's Harry!

E: Well understand this Harry, Your robotic friend here has made a deal with me to stop my enemy from destroying all universe's, if Adrian reaches that goal to destroy them, we won't exist!

H: Holy shit........ But....Why do you need Springtrap?

E: His Father works with my enemy! His name is Shadrow!

H: Springtrap I didn't know you had a father!!!

ST: I didn't either till they showed up!

E: Enough of this..... Let's go to my place, you too Harry!

H: Me? Why?

E: Well I told you basically everything so now you're part of the deal, so anyone you tell the deal to is basically in danger with it! So I suggest none of you tell anyone about it, Just in case you love them a lot!

H: O-oh! Well I guess I don't really have a choice!

E: I'm afraid your right!

ST: Why do we need to go to your place?

E: Adrian doesn't know where I settle down when hiding so we'll be safe there, just as long as no one shows anyone my hideout we'll be fine!

ST: Alright!

E: So please no one tell anyone!!

ST: Okay we get it!

H: Btw I didn't get your names?

E: Oh! My name's Elise, my brother over is Wolfy!

H: Ok! Thx!

E: No problem! Now, let's get going!

Springtrap x EliseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang