~We're not Safe~

13 0 6

~ST= Springtrap, E= Elise, W= Wolfy, H= Harry, N= Narrator, A= Adrian RS= Roger Stanford ( PS: Roger Stanford has the exact feelings and traits like Springtrap because they are the same person.)

(The Next Morning)

-6:30 AM- 

E: *Yawn*, Ugh......Good morning world, I'm ready for another day of maybe running away from my enemies! 

N: Elise Stretches, as she gets out of bed, and walks down stairs to make coffee.

ST: Good morning dear! 

N: Springtrap says as he sips some of his coffee.

E: Morning Springtrap! 

ST: Hey look about last night I didn't mean to worry you or anything, that bracelet that you saw me put on is not just my human form, it's my life source! 

E: Hey that sounds familiar, A friend of mine named John has a necklace that turns him into a Springtrap too! (PS: The character named John is from my FNAF YouTube series, he also has the power to turn into Springtrap, So yeah that's the gist of it) 

ST: Are there others like me? 

E: Yes! Like I said there are a bunch of multiverses! 

ST: Wow, That's pretty cool! 

E: It is a wonderful thing, but it is also dangerous! 

ST: Yeah! Sounds like it, when there's a guy like you trying to kill you, and me! 

E: Yup!

ST: So Question dear. How many Universes do you know? 

E: I know a lot! Would you like to know some of them?

ST: Sure!

E: Well I've gone to The Walking Dead's universe (By AMC), S.A.M, a.k.a , Springtrap & Mangle. (By Quiet Tomato),  FNAF Springaling Comics (By Negaduck), Percy x Springtrap series (By MarkMaker), The Original FNAF games (By Scott Cawthon), My universe, which is called Springtrap & Friends ( FNAF YouTube series created by me), And then there's yours, which is, (Springtrap & Delilah comics) (By Grawolfquinn). So yeah, that's most of them! And they all know me! 

ST: Well holy hell! Do they all know about Adrian?

E: Yes! Yes they do! 

ST: Damn you work fast! 

E: Yeah, I like to tell about danger ahead of time.

ST: Ya know you're smart, and I don't think I realized it! 

E: Why thank you! You are really sweet! 

ST: I try to be! 

N: Springtrap lent his hand to Elise, as he wanted to hold her hand. 

ST: May I uh.... hold your hand dear? 

E: Um..... S-sure? 

N: Springtrap holds her hand gently.

ST: Elise, I want to say that I Like yo-

N: Springtrap gets cut off by a big crashing sound on the side of the house.

ST: What the hell?

E: That doesn't sound good! 

ST: Stay here! 

E: Um....okay, please be careful! 

ST: Don't worry I will! 

E: Hey! 

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