A Little Work Release

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Viv walked into work the next week, practically strutting with confidence. Having spent her morning commute rehearsing what she was going to say, she couldn't wait to tell dickhead Roger off. Since Five came back, she felt like her old self again, strong and intelligent. She saw Roger standing in the lab, seemingly laughing heartily at some bad joke he just told to the surrounding staff. This is perfect, an audience is even better.

"Excuse me, Roger? I'd like to have a word if you don't mind."

He looked startled to see her, clear eyed and full of energy, a stark contrast to the last time he saw her. He smiled his fake, condescending smile.

"So good to see you back, Vivian. It looks like you're a bit more refreshed now. I take it all is well again and you're ready to get back to work?"

"Yes, thank you, I'm feeling much better. But let me take this opportunity to enlighten you about some things."

Roger raised one eyebrow in disbelief, waiting to hear how she could possibly enlighten him.

"Do you remember a few months ago when Dave came in here, stumbling all over the place and reeking of booze? Do you remember what you told him when he couldn't even read his own computer screen he was so wasted? You clapped him on the back and told him to 'Go sleep it off, big guy. Had a little too much fun last night, huh?' And then you let him go out to his car and sleep the rest of the work day, all the while getting paid."

Roger was looking around the room at the others, looking for a little back up. He received none. "I don't really see how that's relevant..."

Viv continued, undeterred. "And do you remember when Martin was going through his divorce and was an absolute mess? Shuffling in here, dirty, and crying at his desk? I believe your exact words were 'We just need to get you some new pussy, that's all'. And then you and some of the other guys left work early to take him to the bar? Also being paid for the day, I might add."

Roger looked nervous. "I'm not sure I said those exact words."

"And now do you remember what you said to me when I was having a hard time coping with something personal?" She waited for a response.

He cleared his throat and slicked back his thinning hair with his hand. "Well, I think I suggested you take some time for yourself to heal."

"No, you told me I was being hysterical. That I should leave work for several days to get myself under control. That I was not going to be paid for said days. Sound familiar?"

He sighed, clearly annoyed. "Why don't you just get to the point? Because I'm not seeing it."

"The point is, I've talked to HR, and they're not real thrilled with how you've been handling your team's mental health. In fact, they told me you have no authority to order anyone to leave without pay without consulting their department first. For any reason. Oh, and also, they don't look too kindly on sexism in the workplace these days." Viv stared at him hard, a smile forming on her lips. "They would like a meeting with you. Expect to hear from them soon."

Roger was pissed, staring back at her, practically breathing fire through his nose. He turned on his heel and walked off in a rage. As he left, the people standing around started laughing and someone yelled, "Hell yeah!" When Viv walked past Melissa, she high fived her.

"That was amazing! I sincerely hope he gets his ass handed to him by HR."

"Thanks! It felt really good. Hey, I'm sorry for not returning your call before. I do really appreciate you checking up on me, though."

Halo - A Five X OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now