Just You and Me

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Viv found herself looking forward to the evening together. She had bought a new dress and had her nails done. It was exciting to spend a night out with Five, when the two of them were usually holed up in the apartment together. A part of her also wanted to show him off a little. After all, he was handsome and semi-famous. He could even be charming when his mouth didn't get in the way.

As she finished packing her overnight bag, Five was lingering in the doorway. He had his suit in a hanging bag slung over his shoulder while he waited. He was already wearing his white button-down shirt and black pants, but apparently, he needed back up. Viv had thrown his few other items, including a white t-shirt and sweatpants into your bag.

"Are you almost ready so we can get this over with?"

Ignoring him, she zipped the bag up and walked past him out of the bedroom. "We're taking my car," she said over her shoulder.

Viv let Five drive so she could give him directions from the passenger seat. She had booked a hotel just a couple blocks from the wedding venue. It was an upscale, and pricey place, but she wanted it to be special. However, she did book the lowest tier room they had so she wouldn't go completely broke. Five had offered to pay, but she declined since this was her idea and he wasn't happy about going in the first place.

When they arrived and walked through the lobby to check in, they took it all in. There was marble everywhere and giant crystal chandeliers hung from the gold-embellished ceiling. A piano player sat in one area, a soft, tinkling sound echoing in the cavernous room. On the other side there was a classy looking bar where a few well-dressed guests were seated.

They walked up to the front desk and gave the receptionist Viv's name. Five stood leaning with his back against the desk, eyeing up the bar.

"I'm sorry, miss, I can't seem to find that name anywhere in our reservation system."

"No, that can't be right. Can you please check again? I made it a couple weeks ago."

The woman typed away at her computer for a few more seconds. "No, I'm terribly sorry, I just don't see it here."

Just as she was about to get angry, Five spoke up over his shoulder. "Look under Hargreeves."

Viv looked at him, annoyed. "No, I made it under my name. I know I did."

The receptionist typed away for a moment. "Oh yes, here you are Mr. Hargreeves."

Viv's eyebrows shot up in surprise and she looked over at Five, who just smirked and turned around to face the desk.

"And it looks like you're staying in our luxury suite located on the 15th floor. You should find everything as you requested."

Viv was stunned. Luxury suite? She definitely would never have been able to afford that. "Five, are you serious?"

He shrugged, taking the key from the woman. "I figured as long as we're here, why not?"

She gave him a wry look. "And you let me look like an idiot while she searched for my name?"

"All part of the fun," he said, grinning broadly.

Arriving at the room, Five opened the door to the suite and they stepped inside. It was the most opulent room Viv had ever seen. There were marble floors in the entryway, with a lush carpet covering the living area that included multiple sofas and chairs, all elegantly upholstered. A vase of fresh cut flowers sat on one of the tables. The bedroom was separate with a gigantic bed and expensive looking linens. The bathroom was enormous, with more white marble floors and vanities. A walk-in tub the size of a small swimming pool was on one side, with a large shower big enough for six people on the other. Plush, fluffy white towels were stacked everywhere.

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