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The undeniable rush when you step far into forbidden territory, risking all that you worked hard for, despite the high stakes and the consequences, even higher. The four muses of destruction had led to the carnage of a friendship, the ruin of a family, and the massacre of a bond.

She was a wretched daughter. A disappointing sister. And a traitor. She knew that much amidst the memories that swirled like mist, elusive and hazy, dancing just out of reach. But why? Each recollection an echo of a distant dream, fragments of a life that once was, now obscured by a fog of uncertainty.

A laugh.

As the miles blurred beneath their wheels, she couldn't help but feel a nagging unease, a whisper of doubt lingering at the edges of her mind. But she brushed it aside; after all, it was just her imagination playing tricks on her. The laughter and the sense of belonging were too intoxicating to let go.

It was a heady rush, intoxicating and electrifying, as she found herself on the edge of exhilaration and fear. Laughter echoed through the air as they climbed into her car, their spirits high, and hearts light with camaraderie. The engine roared to life, a symphony of excitement as they sped off, the wind ruffling their hair, and the thrill of the open road before them.

A gun.

The shriek of broken glass shattered the hope of escape. Bullets rained from behind, seemingly chasing them on. Were they merely children, innocently seeking thrill and enjoyment? The relentless onslaught of bullets seemed to pursue them relentlessly. The world outside appeared ruthless, unaware of their youthful innocence. Why did it seem like it didn't matter to them if they were kids? Just kids having fun?

A scream.

"Stop screaming!" A wail, more was it; It was the desperate plea of a young soul, fully aware that the end was drawing near. The car lurched and veered uncontrollably, direction lost amidst the chaos. The car swerved violently, having lost direction. But then, just as abruptly as the cacophony erupted, an eerie silence settled in its wake.

A siren.

The haunting melodies of distant police sirens pierced the air, growing louder and more urgent with each passing moment. Kazuki lifted her head from the steering wheel, tears streaming down her cheeks. But why was she crying? Her left arm twitched with pain, and her eyes widened in shock at the sight of crimson staining her clothes.

The red, oh, the red. It cascaded over her like an unforgiving river, drenching her in its vivid hues. But why? What had she done to deserve this baptism of crimson? Amidst the cacophony of muffled voices, her ears tingled with a surreal sensation, the weight of their presence surrounding her. Hard edges pressed into her flesh, digging into her like thorns. But what were they? The memories slipped through her fingers like grains of sand, leaving her feeling more disoriented than ever.


The four muses of destruction, as they had playfully called themselves, were innocent bystanders to the calamity that unfolded. It was her own incompetence, her idea, her fault,

And her karma.

★﹐fast lanes.﹗﹑

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★﹐fast lanes.﹗﹑

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