Chapter 4: Quality Time and Indulgence

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The sounds of the nightlife had never felt more prominent amidst the looming silence upon the Scenic Isle, even the gentle night-time breeze had all but grown still. Sat in a small circle around the flickering Site of Grace, there was a lingering tenseness between the three of them. Lucia couldn't fight back the urge to repeatedly pull at the grass beneath her. Her eyes darted repeatedly between Melina and Y/N who were far too solemn for her liking right now, yet she couldn't exactly blame them for feeling that way.

Someone had just come for her life, or rather to steal her life away from them at least. It would be foolish not to consider the gravity of the situation.

But that wasn't what weighed on their minds right now, instead it was the abrupt scuffle's aftermath that still felt unbelievable. Y/N had died minutes ago, only for him to suddenly reappear beside them like he never even left! The Tarnished in question took a quick glance at the young girl, eyes filled to the brim with guilt at her awkwardness currently.

Lucia knew. She knew everything. The constant, agonising deaths at the hands of everything out to get him in these lands, the accursed forgetfulness that stemmed from such deaths...

None dared to break the silence first, simply giving Lucia the time she needed to process it all. Y/N found himself cursing the Outer Gods vehemently.

As much as I yearned for it, no one her age deserves to know of such a fate.

Y/N frowned, but immediately found solace in Melina's rough, calloused hand resting upon his own. A gentle touch that eased whatever worries he may have had.

Sometimes he wished he could do more for her like that too.

"So..." Lucia coughed, gaining their attention as she finally spoke up. "You two... were the ones who did all that? Reaching the capital, journeying up the mountains and setting alight the forge to... b-burn the Erdtree." She shivered, though whether it was because of the cold or the apparent cardinal sin actually being enacted was unknown.

"You can see for yourself the results of that endeavour." Y/N nonchalantly pointed up to the burning tree above them.

Lucia only took a deep, quivering breath at that. Everything they had done until this point, she knew. "Please do not feel like you have to understand it all tonight. From what we have told you already, it would not be your fault for being overwhelmed." Melina assured in that soothing voice he loved.

"N-no, it's..."

Y/N pursed his lips, it was a time of patience and understanding now. Even if it took the whole night, he'd be more than willing to grant Lucia that amount of time. Impressively, it only took her about five minutes of stumbling over her words to finally piece her scattered thoughts together again.

Looking oh-so ashamed that he felt a sharp pang of sadness himself. "Is... that why you hate everything about them? The Two Fingers and what they... s-stand for?" Asked Lucia. Y/N met Melina's gaze and the soft nod of approval was all he needed.

Be honest, Y/N. Melina encouraged, not even needing to speak her mind for him.

"I hate them all, no surprise there." Y/N began with a chuckle, as he looked to the stars that peaked through the golden branches of the Erdtree. "The Golden Order, the Outer Gods themselves... I've died more times than I can even remember myself at this point. Forgotten even more, like a grain of sand on an ever-changing coastline. Do you know what it would be like to have immortality, Lucia? To never fear passing on into the next world, yet still feeling every speck of pain that brought you so, so close to that fate?"

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