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A young girl sits down in a tree not too far from her rural village in the middle of nowhere. It's the middle of the night but she doesn't care, no one else will care if she's dead or alive anyway. She stares up at the star filled sky, fiddling with a turquoise amulet that was hung 'round her neck, same color as her uncovered eye. Her smooth long dark brown curls shined in the moonlight, but there was also light brown splotches also covered her silky brown skin. She was vitiligo, and she was ashamed of it. The girl always had her clothes and hair covering those splotches, but there was always one on her face that she couldn't cover with her hair, so her would wear a mask to cover it.She was also lanky, at least that she was told, being very tall for her age as well. She sighs as she was about to reside and go to sleep when something in the sky caught her eye; something big that was flying over the thick jungle canopy. It was some sort of aircraft which obviously the recluse village girl had never seen before, thick black smoke was coming out of it. She then saw another aircraft in a more green color flying after the first, which was starting to descend blow the think bush as it looked like it had trouble staying in the air. The girl stood up to try and see what had happened before hearing and feeling a large explosion.

...: Whoa-

She clings onto the trunk of the tree she's sitting in as it and the many others around it shake violently from the aftershock. Against her better judgment the girl jumps down the tree and runs towards the crash. Her curiosity overcame any alarms that were going off in her head. Well it didn't matter if anything happened to her, again no one would care. After a few minutes of running, the girl reached the clearing in the forest. The aircraft was crushed into the floor, the front half and the ground was engulfed in flames. The other aircraft had landed and large men in blue and gold jumpsuits run out onto the ground and ran towards the other aircraft. Others stumbled out of the plane, around six people, a few were dragged out injured from the crash. The ones still standing created a barrier around their wounded and faced the large men in defiance. The girl looked on in shock, contemplating whether or not to leave before she got spotted. The large men then pulled out long rods the let out shocks of electricity and pointed them at the group. That make the girl's eyes widen in horror. To her, those shocks were like lightning, and she's seen the destruction lighting could do. In the dry season, dry lighting would come and set fires and cause explosions. To be hit with one would mean death, and for some reason, she couldn't let that happen. Even if she didn't know these people, even if she might get hit herself, she had to do something.

...: H-HEY!

Everyone turns to the unknown voice and see the shaking, dirty barefoot young girl wearing rags. Quickly regretting her decision, she decides to keep going because there was now no going back. She shouted out in her native language so no one knew what she said. She yells out again.

...: W-what are you doing?! Leave t-them alone!

One of the injured yell out to the girl.

...: Kid! Leave now! Before you get hurt!

...: Hah... I- huh?

...: Get outta here little one!

The girl didn't understand, she didn't know the language they spoke. One of the big men turn to her.

...: Nope. She's a witness. Remember what the boss said?

...: Leave no trace.

The man point his rod to her, expecting her to freeze in fear.

...: No! Wai-

But instead when he shoots, she instinctively backflips out of the way. Most her life she spent in the trees of the rainforest climbing and jumping around, dodging sudden predators. She was very flexible and agile.

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