Prologue P2

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Ingrid and Gregorio Cortez are both spies for the OSS a secret organization that works in the shadows. They met as young agents and fell in love. With that love came two children; Carmen, and Juni. Their children also followed in their footsteps and lead a group of young spies in Mission Critical for the OSS. They love their children, so seeing a thin, dirty mistreated young girl who looked barely any older than Juni shaking in the corner. They were in the deep forests of South Africa. They decided to take Kenya with them, she didn't really argue that much. She was only really upset about leaving the forest, but she didn't care much. She said no one from her village would care. They had wrapped her up in a blanket, but she was still shaking. All the agents exchanged worried looks and glanced back at Kenya. They were unsure what to do, what to say to the girl. Ingrid, taking the initiative, walks over to Kenya and sits next to her. The girl doesn't look at her. Gregorio reached out for his wife but pulled back pretty quickly, knowing he wasn't going to change her mind about talking to the mysterious girl.

Ingrid: Are you okay?

Kenya: Mm hmm.

Ingrid: Kenya... how old are you?

Kenya: How old am I.... I'm 13... I think.

Ingrid: 13...

13... Juni had just turned 14 a few months ago, Kenya was younger than both Ingrid's children.

Ingrid: Do you not know your birthday?

Kenya: 'I was born on the shortest day when the sun should've been up. My birth shadowed the burning star with the darkness a brung' that's what I was always told...

Ingrid: Shortest day... the Winter Solstice? That means your birthday is December 21st.

Kenya: Really? Okay then.

Ingrid: I'm honestly surprised, you don't look 13...

Kenya: Yes I know I'm tall for my age... I'm lanky and ugly.

Ingrid: No you're not Kenya... is that why you wear the mask?

Kenya: Yes...

Ingrid: Well, I think you're very pretty.

Kenya: ... really?

Ingrid: Of course. I'm tall for a woman my age too.

Kenya: Really?

Ingrid was indeed above average height, being around 5,11 by the time she was 14. Gregorio was over 6ft. Kenya was 5,9 at 13 which was pretty tall.

Ingrid: I got teased for being taller than all the kids when I was your age.

Kenya: Really?

Ingrid: Yep! But I didn't care.

The female agent's eyes then wonder to the amulet still around the girl's neck and she was fidgeting with. Just a bit ago the girl couldn't speak English, but that stone allowed her to speak it, even if her heavy African accent was still there, just by Ingrid touching it. What was it?

Ingrid: That necklace, where'd you get it?

Kenya: It was a gift from my mother. A family heirloom. The last and only thing she ever gave me. I've had it all my life.

Ingrid: Have you always been able to do... that?

Kenya: Not always... it started happening a few years ago. I started trying to learn how to control it, I realized there was so much I could do.

Ingrid: How did you know it would make you understand us?

Kenya: It worked for the jungle animals. I could understand them after they touched the gem.

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