Chapter 9

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Maddie's POV
The ache in my chest was starting to become worse as I gripped it in agony, I couldn't bear it any longer and I was running out of breath.

" the way she fell to the ground men ", Tyler says while lying flat on my bed.

I didn't find it funny at first, but when Tyler started laughing at how Cassie looked when I opened the door, I couldn't help but join him in his sprint of madness.
" I can't breathe, I can't ", he falls back to the bed while laughing again and we both start a marathon of who's going to die first of laughter all over again.

"Tyler please, I'm going to fucking pee myself ", the words manage to escape my mouth as I manage to sit on the floor.

" Cassie's something else ", Tyler says as he grabs his phone from his pocket and further adjusts himself on the bed to get comfortable.

I watch as Tyler hunches over his phone, the glow of the screen illuminating his face in the dimly lit room. We had been laughing together just a few minutes ago, but now his quiet conversation was beginning to grate on my nerves.

" is that hope? " I finally blurt out, my curiosity getting the better of me, " I don't think so, told by the huge smile on your face "

He flashes me a playful grin. " well Mum, it is hope, she's mad that we ditched her "

" I'm not your mum ", I respond while rolling my eyes, accompanied by a little sound of laughter, " and besides, it was your idea "

" oh, so you would rather sit with her and her annoying giggling friends "

" talking about rainbows and glitter, " I say, using my hand to demonstrate how she moves.

We both start laughing again, and this time Tyler puts down his phone. When Hope and I first became friends, we were the topic of the school. Everyone was trying to figure out how people so opposite in character were getting along.

" you know, we can laugh all we want at her squad if you make it to Ranch Hills"

A disgusted expression forms on my face as he gestures for me to sit on the bed. I don't like when he talks about going out, at all.

" Tyler "

" come on, you never come out of this room or this house either "

That's not true, they go out too much...

" I'll think about it "

he leans back, looking a bit relieved. " I don't know if you are serious or not "

" I don't know yet, but I promise I'll think about it ", a fake smile forms on my face before reaching for his perfectly waved trim.

" Sure ", he says, removing my hand from his head," I gotta bounce "

" you just got here "

The truth is, I'm expecting Logan to be here anytime soon to collect the package, so the faster Tyler leaves, the better.

" it's an emergency, see ya tomorrow "

A wave of relief washes over me as I watch him run through our driveway from my window. About thirty minutes after Tyler's departure, the doorbell rings.

I quickly bolt to retrieve a package from my closet, grateful for the excuse to avoid Tyler's probing questions. Cassie was already walking towards the door when I got downstairs, I quickly ran past her.

"Finally ", Logan says as I hand him the package.

" I sent you this exact address "

" the houses in this street look the same ", he responds, rubbing his forehead under his face cap in annoyance.

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