Chapter 22

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" That's not how it's worn, Maddie"

I hiss while trying to zip up the gown I have on, Kay knows I'm not into gowns and all of this girly stuff

" Well, I don't know how it's worn "

"Maybe I can show you if you would let me," she says gently before she walks closer to me and gently places her hand on my dress, zipping it up easily.

" thank you ", I smile while swirling around the mirror and admiring the beautiful black dress.

" what am I wearing the gown for? do we have an event?", I ask while looking in the mirror, kay walks back to sit on my bed.

My smile wipes off as I gaze at my reflection one more time in the mirror, it takes me a while to realize what's going on.

I'm still my normal self, I'm still eighteen. My eyes widen in shock and the pace heartbeat becomes faster and louder, I turn around slowly to look at Kay.

She's still a little girl with her hair styled in a cute little ponytail, her skin is as slightly and place as ever. She has this creepy smile on her face which makes me go numb immediately.

" it's for my funeral Maddie, I'm dead remember?"

She stands up and starts walking closer to me, Blood starts flowing down her face from her eyes and nose.

" you let me die! you let me die! ", she yells with a distorted voice.

I'm still in utter shock, My hands start shaking as I try to cover my mouth from screaming. When I look down at my hands, they're covered in blood and my dress has blood dripping all over them.

" you let me die! you let me die!"

Tears start flowing down my cheeks as I start yelling too," No, I didn't, no! No!"

*                                                 *
"Hey! Hey! Maddie! Snap out of it! "

I jolt awake, my heart pounding against my chest. Beads of sweat dot down my forehead, and I can still feel the remnants of the nightmare clinging to my mind like a lingering fog.

"Hey! Are you okay? ", Logan asks while kneeling beside my bed, his hand still gripping my shoulder where he had shaken me awake.

Even though I'm still feeling dizzy, immediately get up to look for my bag. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, pushing past Logan as I reach for my bag on the floor. But before I can grab it, his hand shoots out, effectively blocking my path.

" Heyy, calm down ", he says, his voice firm. " you are dripping right now "

I slowly look down and I'm left surprised, I'm drenched in sweat like I just went for a swim. I nod, trying to steady my breathing as I push myself back into a sitting position.

" What time is it? ", I ask, my voice still shaking.

" Early, it's about three in the morning ", Logan responds, standing next to the bed. " I heard you screaming, and thought you were having a freaking seizure "

" God dammit! ", I say loudly into my palms, why did have to happen in Tyler's home.

" Tyler's still asleep, I'm the only one who heard you ", he answers like he just heard my thoughts. " were you having a nightmare? does that always happen? "

" It's nothing, I'm fine "I mutter, running my hands through my tangled hair. " sorry for waking you up "

Nightmares had become a constant companion, haunting my sleep like unwelcome spectres. But having Logan witness my vulnerability only made the shame and frustration bubble to the surface.

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