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Isla opened the front door when she heard a knock. She opened it, only to reveal Tyler with a bag of food from Chick-Fil-A, Isla's favorite fast food. Isla snagged the bag from her friend, running away with it before Tyler could even process what had just happened.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, chasing after Isla who was now on the couch, hoarding the chicken nuggets that were provided. "It's our food, not just yours."

"You might want to rethink that statement." Isla smirked, but handed Tyler a box of chicken nuggets anyway and started the movie. Every Friday, Isla and Tyler would have a movie night as Isla and Dylan would have a movie night everynight except Fridays.

Isla was lucky if she ever got to have a movie night with the girls. It seemed like sje was the cast favorite, which she was. Isla felt lucky to have such great friends, especially Dylan, Tyler, and Holland. Those three were her first official friends from the cast.

Isla snuggled up next to Tyler with a blanket covering the two. They were practically siblings. Suddenly, Isla heard a ding come from Tyler's phone. Tyler checked the notification, finding out that it was a text from Dylan.

Have you found out
anything from her?

Tyler then remembered that he was supposed to ask Isla some certain questions for Dylan.

Isla knew Tyler was contemplating something in his mind, and she wanted to know who he was texting, but decided against it considering it wasn't her business.

Not yet. I'll
ask her now.

"Hey, Isla?" His voice rang, catching Isla's attention away from the movie.

"Yeah, Tyler?" She was curious.

"How do you feel about Dylan?" He questioned, looking Isla straight into her brown eyes.

She was not expecting that.  "Well,  we're great friends and we do everything together."

"I mean how do you feel about him romantically?"

Isla rose an eyebrow; she never thought about her friendship with Dylan escalating into something more.

Why was he asking this question anyway? Did Dylan like her or something? That would be preposterous. Why would he even look at her like that? But Isla never considered Dylan as a sibling, but never as more then a friend either.

"I've never really considered him as more than a friend, but I think it's possible." Isla answered truthfully.

Now that she really thought about it, Isla could really see the her and Dylan together, even as a married couple with children. All of sudden, her heart leapt at the thought. Did she like Dylan? No, she couldn't, never.

"What does possible mean?"

Isla smirked, now knowing that Tyler was up to something. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."

Tyler didn't know how to interpret that, but he was pretty sure that he knew what she meant.

Tyler always thought that Isla and Dylan would be cute together since day one, especially since their characters are each other's love interests. He knew that Dylan liked Isla, even if he never admitted it out loud.

It was the truth. Dylan did like Isla, in fact, he loved her. On the day he first met her, he felt his heart beat fast at the sight of her. Isla was absolutely beautiful and she still was to this day.

Since Tyler didn't say anything, Isla pressed play on the tv remote and went back to watching the movie, leaving Tyler with a somewhat confused but smirking look.

He know he would have to tell this information to Dylan in person. He had to, for his best friend (other than Isla of course).

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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