Silent Night (Smut)

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(If you are uncomfortable with smut, skip this chapter, I will provide a breif summary at the very end of the chapter so you don't miss out. 👍)

My senses were flooded with the bright lights of the bar and loud playing music. A few drunk men where singing to a record player as they swayed together, it wasn't long before I spotted Arthur at the bar with Lenny and Charles. They were drinking shots, each stronger than the last as the men clenched their eyes shut at the undoubtedly foal taste of the liquid.

I placed my hand on Arthurs shoulder as I greeted him, taking a seat beside him at the bar. He gave me a lop sided smile, the alcohol was beginning to set in. Lenny and Charles both greeted me with a similar cheerful manner. I recognized a few others their, Hosea and Dutch were sat together at a table, drinking and toasting to their future plans while Bill and Uncle were playing cards with some other men at a table. Bill seemed to be losing badly while Uncle did suprisingly well.

I ordered a water, to Arthurs disapproval, of course. "Still to much a chicken to drink the good stuff?" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes, he was right, I didn't want to drink the bitter beverage. I was, however, hoping to feel the good effects of it. I watched Arthur push his shot towards me, letting me give it swig. I didn't think the alcohol could have been worse then it was when I first tried it but some how it was. I forced it down, feeling the need to spit out the lingering flavor that resided on tongue.

Arthur laughed at my reaction and Lenny grinned,"Not a drinker, Y/n?" He took a swig of his shot. I shook my head in response, I most definitely was not. What kind of masochist would willingly put this stuff into their body?!


Me, apparently. Four shots later in the time span of one hour, I was beginning to feel the effects. It was a little hard to think clearly, even when I saw the men playing poker with Bill and Uncle jump across the table to attack him. Upon knocking Uncle down, several Ace cards slipped from his sleeve.

Lenny, Charles, Bill, and Arthur all quickly stood to meet the men. Hosea and Dutch doing their best to be diplomatic, though it was of no use. One of the four men struck Dutch hard across the face. I watched, dumbfounded, as the other members stepped forward to retaliate. Dutch put his hand up as he stumbled slightly, signaling the boys to back down as his other hand clenched his jaw. As he stood upright again, regaining his composure and taking a breath, I watched the mans heavily ringed fist collide with the mans face, hard. It was an all out bar fight as Dutches men clobbered the other four. Arthur, smart enough to know the unwanted attention this would attract, quickly told the others to spread out and head back to camp without being followed.

Rushing over to me, he grabbed my arm as we stumbled quickly out the back of the bar, both of us laughing. I'm not sure why, but something about the whole situation was hilarious to us.

We quickly mounted his horse, my arms wrapping around his waist as we rode off towards my manor. Gracefully tumbling off his horse upon arrival, Arthur gave me a goofy smile and offered to help me down. I wasn't drunk enough to believe he could do so without dropping me though so I hopped off on my own with a grin at Arthurs unusually silly demeanor. We walked to the back door of the mansion and when we arrived at the door way I gave Arthur a kiss, I could taste the whiskey on him. "Guess I's oughta get goin before someone sees me...," he said, holding me by my hips as he kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around him to draw him closer, deepening the kiss. "Or you could come inside...," I felt a wave of confidence rush over me. "No one would see you in my room," I stepped back a bit, hoping to guide him with me. He stepped with me for a moment before hesitating, as if only now trying to think past the drunken fuzz in his brain.

Pushing me towards the door he made up his mind to join me. I was more than pleased as I fiddled with the door lock, sneaking him up the stairs and into my room where I locked the doors. In an instant his mouth was pressed against mine as a wave of unbridled and slightly drunken passion and lust swept over us both. His lips made their way down my neck to my collar bone as his hands ran up and down my sides. "I like this dress...," he said softly between kisses and occasionally nips,"but right now it's in the way," he pulled me towards my large king-sized bed with the deep red comforters. Gently laying me back, he pulled away the lacing to my corset, peeling it off me slowly, savoring my impatience with an annoyingly satisfied grin. He kissed me again, slipping his tongue between my lips as mine met his in a clash for dominance. It wasn't long before he did away with the rest of my dress, leaving me in only my undergarments.

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